Sample Toddler Schedules: 1-3 Years Old

Are you looking for schedule ideas for your toddler? This post is FULL of sample schedules for toddlers age 12-36 months old!

Toddler happily looking into the distance

This post contains sample schedules for toddlers. These schedules were used by real Babywise babies.

When you have a baby, schedules change frequently. This is especially true before you are on a four-hour schedule.

Something I love about once you get to the four-hour schedule is that your schedule doesn’t change a lot after that.

Once your child reaches a year old, changes are even less frequent.

There are changes, but it isn’t weekly like it was in the young baby months and newborn days.

There are big changes ahead, like dropping to one nap a day, but you will find your schedule changes calm down.

>>>Read: Everything You Need to Know for Your Toddler

Sample Toddler Schedules

I have listed the schedules of my children by month. These are the schedules we used from 1 year old until three years old.

For more details on ages, see The Pre-Toddler Summary Index (ages 12-18 Months) and the Toddler Summary Index (ages 18-36 Months).

12 Month Old Schedules

Your 12 month old should be eating 3-4 times a day, taking 2 naps, and sleeping 10-12 hours at night.

I still did 4 liquid feedings a day once my kids turned a year.

We weaned from the breast at a year, but neither Brayden nor Kaitlyn would drink more than 6 ounces per meal, and I knew they should have about 24 ounces of milk in a day.

>>>Read: Best Toys for PreToddler: 12-18 Months

Kaitlyn would sporadically drink 8 ounces at some meals, then less than 2 at others. She was less predictable in what she drank.

McKenna basically refused to drink milk. Schedules may not change often, but your toddler will still keep you on your toes! If you are in a similar situation, see What To Do When Your Child Hates Milk: Adding Dairy to the Diet.

7:15: Wake, drink milk, eat breakfast
9:30: nap
11:30: Wake, drink milk, eat lunch
2:00: nap
4:00: Wake, drink milk
8:00: drink milk, eat dinner
8:30: in bed

7:30: Wake, drink milk, eat breakfast
Between: the time here includes bath, getting ready, and solo playtime each day. It also many times includes sibling playtime.
9:30: nap
11:30: wake, drink milk, eat lunch
Between: the time here includes free time and often sibling playtime. As the weather is getting nicer, we also spend a lot of time outside at this time.
1:30-1:45: nap
3:45-4:00: wake, drink milk
4:00ish: solo playtime
4:40: the activities for this time of day vary from day to day. We run errands at this time when needed. We to to the library. We will go on family walks. We will go outside and play. We have free time inside.
5:30: dinner. Kaitlyn is moving from Babyfood and pretty much only eats what we are eating.
7:00: drink milk and then I try to get some babyfood in her, though she usually only has a couple of bites. This is just my last effort to try to control the food going in directly 🙂 I feel this step phasing out. After food, she gets ready for bed and we read a story.
7:45: she is in bed.

8:30 AM–wake, eat (prunes or peaches/apricots and oatmeal, milk, yogurt). This is when we do a bath (four days a week) and independent playtime. We then do sibling playtime.
10:30 AM–nap.
12:30 PM–wake, nurse, solids (green veggie and applesauce. Sometimes mix with blueberries or cherries. Milk. Finger foods–including cheese). She then “helps” me put Brayden in rest time (which just means telling him to go) and Kaitlyn down for her nap. We then do blanket time followed by free play with me in the same room.
2:30 PM–nap
4:30 PM–wake, milk, solids (yellow veggie and bananas or pears). Then time with Daddy.
5:30ish PM–dinner with family. Finger foods and what we are having. Then time with family.
7:15-7:30 PM–nurse, PJs, story, prayers, bed.

8:45–nurse with solids (fruit, cereal, yogurt, finger foods). Independent Playtime happens in this block.10:30-11:00–nap starts
12:45-1:00–wake up, bottle with solids (veggie, fruit, other foods we are eating)
2:30-3:00–nap starts
5:00–wake up, bottle with solids (veggie, fruit, dinner)
7:30–bottle, then bedtime. In bed by 8:00-8:30.

>>>Read: Babywise Sample Schedules: 12-15 Months Old

13 Month Old Schedules

This month will continue as the previous. 3-4 feedings a day. 2 naps. 10-12 hours of sleep.

You might think your pre-toddler is ready to drop to one nap a day. Not quite! See this post for more on that: Dropping the Morning Nap Transition Time

8:30 AM–wake, eat (prunes or peaches/apricots mixed with yogurt, oatmeal, milk). This is when we do a bath (four days a week) and independent playtime.
10:30 AM–nap.
12:30 PM–wake, lunch. She then “helps” me put Brayden in rest time (which just means telling him to go) and Kaitlyn down for her nap. We then do blanket time followed by free play with me in the same room and/or outside play.
2:30 PM–nap
4:30-5:00 PM–wake, milk, solids (yellow veggie and bananas or pears). Then time with Daddy.
5:30ish PM–dinner with family. Finger foods and what we are having. Then time with family, which is typically outside these days.
7:30 PM–PJs, story, prayers, bed.

8:45–nurse with solids (fruit, cereal, yogurt, finger foods). Independent Playtime happens in this block.10:30-11:00–nap starts
12:45-1:00–wake up, bottle with solids (veggie, fruit, other foods we are eating)
2:30-3:00–nap starts
5:00–wake up, bottle with solids (veggie, fruit, dinner)
7:30–bottle, then bedtime. In bed by 8:00-8:30.

14 Month Old Schedules

This is the age your pre-toddler might be able to drop to one nap a day, but not all kiddos are yet.

You are looking at 3-4 feedings a day, 1-2 naps a day, and 10-12 hours of sleep.

Between 12 and 14 months, Brayden moved away from eating baby food and more toward eating exactly what we were eating.

Around 14 months, the transition was basically complete and he was eating dinner with us.

I would try to get some baby food in him just because he seemed to eat more that way, but he was growing up and not that interested. I maintained the 4 milk feedings for the time being.

With Kaitlyn, she was done with babyfood all together closer to 13 months. This wasn’t surprising since she never really liked it anyway.

She also didn’t drink a solid 6 ounces at each meal. Some she drank more than others, and it wasn’t consistent from day to day which meals she would drink more.

Because of that, I offered her 8 ounces at each meal. Some she drank 8, some 2. I didn’t really worry about it.

>>>Read: Optimal Waketime Lengths for Toddlers 12-24 Months Old

7:15: Wake, drink milk, eat breakfast
9:30: nap
11:30: Wake, drink milk, eat lunch
2:00: nap
4:00: Wake, drink milk
5:30ish: Dinner
8:00: drink milk
8:30: in bed

7:30: wake up and eat breakfast. This usually consists of milk, fruit, and some dry cereal.
9:45: nap
11:45: wake up and eat lunch. This includes whatever Brayden and I are eating, and right now is usually mostly fruits and vegetables.
1:45: nap
4:00: wake up and drink milk. Sometimes she will also get a small snack, depending on what time dinner will be done.
5:30: dinner with the family. She eats whatever we are eating.
7:00: drink milk.
7:45: in bed

8:30 AM–wake, eat (fruit mixed with yogurt, oatmeal, milk). This is when we do a bath (four days a week) and independent playtime.
10:30 AM–nap.
12:30 PM–wake, lunch. She then “helps” me put Brayden in rest time (which just means telling him to go) and Kaitlyn down for her nap. We then do blanket time followed by free play with me in the same room and/or outside play.
2:30 PM–nap
4:30-5:00 PM–wake, play until dinner time.
5:30ish PM–dinner with family. Finger foods and what we are having. She also has milk. Then time with family.
7:30 PM–PJs, story, prayers, bed.

8:45–sippy of milk, oatmeal/prunes mixed, and solids (fruit, cereal, yogurt, finger foods). Independent Playtime happens in this block.
11:00–nap starts
12:45–wake up, sippy with solids (veggie, fruit, other foods we are eating)
3:00–nap starts
5:00–wake up, sippy with solids (veggie, fruit, dinner)
7:30–bottle, then bedtime. In bed by 8:00-8:30.

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On Becoming Pottywise
On Becoming Teenwise
On Becoming Preteenwise
On Becoming Childwise
On Becoming Preschoolwise
On Becoming Toddlerwise
On Becoming Pre-Toddlerwise
On Becoming Babywise Book 2
On Becoming Babywise
On Becoming Pottywise
On Becoming Teenwise
On Becoming Preteenwise
On Becoming Childwise
On Becoming Preschoolwise
On Becoming Toddlerwise
On Becoming Pre-Toddlerwise
On Becoming Babywise Book 2
On Becoming Babywise

15 Month Old Schedules

At 15 months old, your pre-toddler will have 3-4 feedings, 1-2 naps, and sleep 10-12 hours at night. You want to do more than just “make it through the day,” but rather have goals for doing more. See More Than Making it Through the Day: 15-18 Months.

8:30 AM–wake, get dressed, eat (fruit mixed with yogurt, oatmeal, milk). Go to swimming lessons.
10:20 AM–get home.
10:30 AM–nap.
12:30 PM–wake, lunch, sibling playtime. Independent playtime for one hour if we are home.
2:30 PM–nap
4:30-5:00 PM–wake, play until dinner time.
5:30ish PM–dinner with family. Finger foods and what we are having. She also has milk. Then time with family.
7:30 PM–Bath, PJs, story, prayers, bed.

Brinley moved to one nap at this age.

Two naps schedule:
8:45–sippy of milk, fruit, cereal, yogurt, finger foods. Independent Playtime happens in this block.
11:15–nap starts
12:45–wake up, sippy with solids (veggie, fruit, other foods we are eating)
3:15–nap starts
5:00–wake up, sippy with solids (veggie, fruit, dinner)
7:30–Sippy of milk, then bedtime. In bed by 8:00-8:30.

One nap schedule:
8:45–sippy of milk, fruit, cereal, yogurt, finger foods.
Get ready. Clean with mom.
Independent Playtime.
Play with McKenna.
1:00–Nap starts
4:00-4:30–wake up. Snack. Play.
7:30–Sippy of milk, then bedtime. In bed by 8:00.

16 Month Old Schedule

At 16 months old, your pre-toddler will have 3-4 feedings each day, 1-2 naps each day, and 10-12 hours at night. As toddlers drop to one nap a day, there is a chance night sleep will get longer.

>>>Read: What To Do When Your Pre-Toddler is Taking a Short Morning Nap

8:45-9:00–wake and eat breakfast. Music time. Bath. Go for a walk.
1:00–wake and eat lunch. Independent play.
5:00-5:30–wake and eat dinner. Various activities.

8:15–wake up. Eat breakfast (fruit, cereal, and milk)
Get ready. Clean with mom.
10:30 Independent Playtime.
11:30 Play
12:00 Lunch.
Play with McKenna.
1:00–Nap starts
4:00-4:30–wake up. Snack. Play.
7:30–Sippy of milk, then bedtime. In bed by 8:00.

17 Month Old Schedules

More and more pre-toddlers will be moving to one nap a day, though some will still have two. You will have 3-4 feedings a day. Most will be at 3 with a possible snack. You will have 10-12 hours of sleep at night, but again, you might have longer nights (13 hours or so) if your kiddo is at one nap a day and needs more sleep.

This is the age Brayden dropped his morning nap. He might have been ready earlier, but I waited until this age for two reasons.

Reason one is that I was in my first trimester with Kaitlyn until he was about 17 months and needed the extra break in the day.

Another is that the time change happened right after he hit 17 months. We dropped the nap the Saturday before the time change.

Brayden had always been able to handle a full dropping of a nap cold turkey. He took about a week to take a longer afternoon nap (instead of just 2 hours). Here is what the schedule was once he took the longer nap.

>>>Read: How To Fill Toddler’s Time When Transitioning to One Nap

7:15: eat breakfast (milk included)
11:30: eat lunch (milk included)
1:00: nap
4:00: wake
5:30ish: Dinner (milk included)
7:00: drink milk (I would give him whatever milk he hadn’t had for the day to equal 24 ounces)
7:30: in bed

Kaitlyn is now just 17 months old, and still takes 2 naps a day. She is getting closer to dropping that nap, but is not quite ready. Here is her schedule:

7:30: wake up and eat breakfast. This usually consists of milk, fruit, yogurt, and some dry cereal.
9:45: nap
11:30: wake up and eat lunch. This includes whatever Brayden and I are eating.
2:00: nap
4:00-4:30: wake up
5/5:30: dinner with the family. She eats whatever we are eating.
Random: a couple of days a week, she will ask for more milk between dinner and bedtime. I give it to her when she asks for it, but I no longer offer a 4th liquid feeding.
7:45: in bed

8:45-9:00–wake and eat breakfast. Music time. Bath. Go for a walk.
1:00–wake and eat lunch. Independent play.
5:00-5:30–wake and eat dinner. Various activities.

8:15–wake up. Eat breakfast (fruit, cereal, and milk)
Get ready. Clean with mom.
10:30 Independent Playtime.
11:30 Play
12:00 Lunch.
Play with McKenna.
1:00–Nap starts
4:00-4:30–wake up. Snack. Play.
7:30–Sippy of milk, then bedtime. In bed by 8:00.

18 Month Old Schedules

Most toddlers will have dropped to one nap a day by now. Most will also be at three feedings with a possible snack. You will have 10-12 hours of sleep at night. If you are looking for toy ideas, see The Best Toys for 18 Month Olds.

>>>Read: Dropping the Morning Nap Full Guide


9:00–bath/get ready
9:30–go for a walk
10:00–learning time
10:30–sibling playtime
1:00–blanket time
1:30–independent play
2:30–“help” me with chores
5:00–wake. Dinner. Free play and family time
8:00–in bed by this time. Sometimes sooner.

8:15–wake up. Eat breakfast (fruit, cereal, and milk)
Get ready. Clean with mom.
10:00 Independent Playtime.
11:30 Play
12:00 Lunch.
Play with McKenna.
1:00–Nap starts
4:00-4:30–wake up. Snack. Play.
7:30–Sippy of milk, then bedtime. In bed by 8:00.

19 Month Old Schedules

At this age, your little one is officially out of “pre-toddler” age and into toddler age. Expect 3 feedings a day along with a possible snack. Expect one nap a day. You should have 10-12 hours of sleep at night.

As we are in official toddler life now, read 10 Truths About Parenting a Toddler.

9:00–bath/get ready
9:30–go for a walk
10:00–learning time
10:30–sibling playtime
11:00–Independent playtime
4:00/4:30: get up

5:00–Dinner. Free play and family time
8:00–in bed by this time. Sometimes sooner.

8:15–wake up. Eat breakfast (fruit, cereal, and milk). Get ready. Clean with mom.
10:00 Independent Playtime.
11:30 Free Play
12:00 Lunch. Play with McKenna.
1:00–Nap starts
4:00-4:30–wake up. Snack. Play.
7:30–Sippy of milk, then bedtime.
8:00–In bed by 8:00.

20 Month Old Schedules

Most toddlers will be at three feedings a day with a possible snack. You should be at one nap a day and 10-12 hours of night sleep.

Somewhere between 17 and 20 months, I stopped adding the drink milk session at 7 PM. His naps also lengthened out a bit more most days. Other than that, the schedule was the same.

7:15: eat breakfast (milk included)
11:30: eat lunch (milk included)
1:00: nap
4:30: wake
5:30ish: Dinner (milk included)
7:30: in bed

7:30: eat breakfast (milk included)
12:00: eat lunch (milk included)
1:00: nap
4:30: wake up
5:30ish: Dinner (milk included)
7:30: in bed

9:00–bath/get ready
10:00–sibling playtime
10:30–independent playtime
11:30–learning time
4:00/4:30: get up
5:00–Dinner. Free play and family time
8:00–in bed by this time. Sometimes sooner.

8:15–wake up. Eat breakfast (fruit, cereal, and milk). Get ready. Clean with mom.
10:00 Independent Playtime.
11:30 Play
12:00 Lunch. Play with McKenna.
1:00–Nap starts
4:00-4:30–wake up. Snack. Play.
7:30–Sippy of milk, then bedtime.
8:00–In bed by 8:00.

21 Month Old Schedules

Things will continue on as they have. A couple of things you will find yourself starting to think about if you haven’t already are when to move out of the crib and when to potty train.

>>>Read: Transitioning from a Crib to a Bed

9:00–bath/get ready
10:00–sibling playtime
10:30–independent playtime

11:30–learning time
4:00/4:30: get up

5:00–Dinner. Free play and family time
8:00–in bed by this time. Sometimes sooner.

8:15–wake up. Eat breakfast (fruit, cereal, and milk)
Get ready. Clean with mom.
10:00 Independent Playtime.
11:30 Play
12:00 Lunch.
Play with McKenna.
1:00–Nap starts
4:00-4:30–wake up. Snack. Play.
7:30–Sippy of milk, then bedtime.
8:00–In bed by 8:00.

22 Month Old Schedules

As you start to ponder on potty training, find out 5 Things To Do Before You Start Potty Training.

9:00–bath/get ready
10:00–sibling playtime
10:30–independent playtime

11:30–learning time
4:00/4:30: get up

5:00–Dinner. Free play and family time
8:00–in bed by this time. Sometimes sooner.

8:15–wake up. Eat breakfast (fruit, cereal, and milk)
Get ready. Clean with mom.
10:00 Independent Playtime.
11:30 Play
12:00 Lunch. Play with McKenna.
1:00–Nap starts
4:00-4:30–wake up. Snack. Play.
7:30–Sippy of milk, then bedtime.
8:00–In bed by 8:00.

23 Month Old Schedules

Your toddler is almost two years old! As you approach two, think about what chores your little one can start to do each day. Read 12 Chores Your Toddler Can Actually Do for guidance.

9:00–bath/get ready
10:00–sibling playtime with Kaitlyn
10:30–independent playtime

11:30–learning time. Sometimes lunch is later and she watches Elmo here.
12:00–lunch. Then play with Brayden and Kaitlyn
4:00/4:30: get up

5:00–Dinner. Free play and family time
8:00–in bed by this time. Sometimes sooner.

8:15 AM–Wake up/Breakfast
8:45 AM–Get ready
9:00 AM–Walk/Bike ride
9:30 AM–Outside Time
11:00 AM–Independent Playtime
12:00 Noon–Lunch
12:30 PM–Learning Activity
1:00 PM–Free Play
1:30 PM–Nap
5:00 PM–Free Playtime
5:30 PM–Dinner
6:00 PM–Family Time
7:30 PM–Get Ready for Bed
8:00 PM–Bedtime

24 Month Old Schedules

For all four kids, the schedule continued on pretty much as it had. This is a major perk of toddlers! Schedules do not change much.

Toddlers can still get overstimulated, so be aware of that. Read up on Overstimulation for Toddlers.

7:00: eat breakfast (milk included)
12:00: eat lunch (milk included)
1:00: nap
4:30: wake up
5:30ish: Dinner (milk included)
7:30: in bed

9:00–bath/get ready
10:00–sibling playtime with Kaitlyn
10:30–independent playtime

11:30–learning time. Sometimes lunch is later and she watches Elmo here.
12:00–lunch. Then play with Brayden and Kaitlyn
4:00/4:30: get up
5:00–Dinner. Free play and family time
8:00–in bed by this time. Sometimes sooner.

>>>Read: Very Best Toys for Toddlers: 2 and Up

8:15 AM–Wake up/Breakfast
8:45 AM–Get ready
9:00 AM–Walk/Bike ride
9:30 AM–Outside Time
11:00 AM–Independent Playtime
12:00 Noon–Lunch
12:30 PM–Learning Activity
1:00 PM–Free Play
1:30 PM–Nap
5:00 PM–Free Playtime
5:30 PM–Dinner
6:00 PM–Family Time
7:30 PM–Get Ready for Bed
8:00 PM–Bedtime

2 Year Old Schedule
7am – wake up although she’s usually awake earlier
8-9 – music and booktime plus 15 minutes of alone time in her room
9-11am – outings
11am – lunch and activity time
12pm – nap
2:30/3pm – wake and snack
3:15 – 4:15pm – roomtime
4:15-6pm – time with mom
6pm – dinner and bath
7pm – BED!

25 Month Old Schedules

Something to note with this age group is a pretty significant sleep regression. Read How To Deal with the 2 Year Old Sleep Regression for help.

9:00–bath/get ready
10:00–sibling playtime with Kaitlyn
10:30–independent playtime1
1:30–learning time. Sometimes lunch is later and she watches Elmo here.
12:00–lunch. Then play with Brayden and Kaitlyn
4:00/4:30: get up

5:00–Dinner. Free play and family time
8:00–in bed by this time. Sometimes sooner.

Times are approximate–I also sometimes rearrange things for no good reason other than I want to. And actually, we usually end up with learning time being after nap time. 

8:15 AM–Wake up/Breakfast
8:45 AM–Get ready
9:00 AM–Walk/Bike ride
9:30 AM–Outside Time
11:00 AM–Independent Playtime
12:00 Noon–Lunch
12:30 PM–Learning Activity
1:00 PM–Free Play
1:30 PM–Nap
5:00 PM–Free Playtime
5:30 PM–Dinner
6:00 PM–Family Time
7:30 PM–Get Ready for Bed
8:00 PM–Bedtime

2 yr old girl (25 months)
8am – wake up, diaper change, dress, eat breakfast
8:45-9:15 ish – independent play in room
9:30 – noon – either errands or we have a play date or go to the gym, park, outing, etc.
noon – lunch
12:45 – 3:30ish – nap
3:30 – snack, book time
4:30 – 6ish – lately we are watching your baby can Read DVD, then play time with mommy; sometimes we have a play date with other friends.
6pm – dinner
7pm – outside to water plants, check on garden, etc. (she has her own watering can so she helps mommy 🙂
7:30 – bath and get ready for bed, stories, prayers with daddy & mommy
8pm – bed

26 Month Old Schedules

Yes, your toddler still needs to nap. It is very common for toddlers to protest nap. You want to keep it! Read this for tips: What to Do When Your Toddler Cries at Nap Time

9:00–bath/get ready
10:00–sibling playtime with Kaitlyn
10:30–independent playtime
1:30–learning time. Sometimes lunch is later and she watches Elmo here.
12:00–lunch. Then play with Brayden and Kaitlyn
4:00/4:30: get up

5:00–Dinner. Free play and family time
8:00–in bed by this time. Sometimes sooner.

8:45 AM–Wake up/Breakfast
9:15 AM–Get ready
9:30 AM–Walk
10:30 AM–Outside Time
11:00 AM–Independent Playtime
12:15 PM–Lunch
12:45 PM–Learning Activity
1:00 PM–Sibling play with McKenna
1:30 PM–Nap
5:00 PM–Free Playtime
5:30 PM–Dinner
6:00 PM–Family Time
7:30 PM–Get Ready for Bed
8:00 PM–Bedtime

(26 months)
7:15 wake/ milk & booktime in crib
7:45 up/ diaper change
8:00 breakfast
8:45- room time
10:00- 12:00 (we run errands, go do fun activity, have snack, hard to be precise in scheduling here because it changes every day)*
12:15 lunch
1:00 nap
4:00 wake / milk & booktime
4:30 up and activity (play outside or watch video)
5:30 dinner
6:30 bathtime
7:00 Praise music dvd
7:30 stories, songs, prayer
7:45 ish in bed

*2 mornings a week he goes to preschool from 9:30-12:30 (he then eats lunch and goes down for nap at 1:30)
** we live in the Middle East so outdoor playtime is difficult in the summer because of the extreme heat. We find indoor activities in the morning and after dinner he can play outside because it’s cooler.
** he’s still in crib if that makes a difference to anyone

26-month-old boy (this has been our schedule ever since he went to one nap per day):
8:30 am – wake, eat, have diaper-less time (unless we’re going out)
12:30 pm – lunch
2 pm – get a diaper, take a nap
5 pm – wake
6 pm – dinner
9 pm – get ready for bed
9:15 – 9:30 – in bed

After breakfast, and after his younger brother is napping, we have our Bible reading time; if we have errands to do, we do them around 10 am after his brother wakes up and feeds.

It’s summer, so independent play time is often spent on the porch or on the deck with a few toys and sticks and rocks

2 year old daughter
8:30 wake, breakfast, dress
9:30 – 10:30 Independent Play
10:30-11:00 Read books
12:30 Lunch
1:30-3:30 Nap
6:00 Dinner
8:00 Bath, pjs
8:30 Prayers, songs, bed

That is what is “set in stone”. We also have Learning Time, Outside time, errands, chores with Mommy.

She has been on this schedule since about 18 months and is now 26 months.

27 Month Old Schedules

Schedules do not change much, but toddlers definitely have tantrums! Read up on Valuable Discipline Tips for Toddlers and How to Deal with Toddler Tantrums.

8:00–Wake up and eat breakfast
8:30–Music time/learning time review
9:00–Get ready
10:00–Walk or bike ride
10:30–Independent Play
11:30–Learning Activity
12:30–Outside play
4:00 or 4:30–Get up–or free play. Sometimes TV time, but rare.
6:00–Family Activities
7:30–Get ready for bed

8:45 AM–Wake up/Breakfast
9:15 AM–Get ready
9:30 AM–Walk
10:30 AM–Outside Time
11:00 AM–Independent Playtime
2:15 PM–Lunch
12:45 PM–Learning Activity
1:00 PM–Sibling play with McKenna
1:30 PM–Nap
5:00 PM–Free Playtime
5:30 PM–Dinner
6:00 PM–Family Time
7:30 PM–Get Ready for Bed
8:00 PM–Bedtime

2 Year Old Girl (27 months) Summer Schedule
6:30ish: wake up, relax quietly
7:00: out of bed
7/7:30: breakfast & family devotions
8:00: get ready for the day
8:30: free play or walk outside
9:30 – 10:30: Independent playtime
10:30: Snack and learning activity
11/11:15: stories with Mom
11:30 – 1:30: nap
1:30: chores and training
2:00: outside play, structured activities, outings, play with friends
4:00: dinner, clean-up house, free play
5:00: bath
5:30: stories, prayers, devotions
6:00: bed

2.25 year old BOY
6-6:30am wake-up
6:30-6:45am booktime
6:45am diaper change/dressed
7:30am breakfast
after breakfast: playtime
8:30/9:00am: morning activity, usually outdoors to a park, etc…
10:00am: Snack
11:30am: Lunch
12:15pm: diaper change; story
12:30pm: Naptime
3:00pm: Wake-up
3:30pm: Snack
3:45pm: Outdoor Walk or Indoor Playtime
5:00pm: Dinner then Family Time
6:15pm: Bath
then a quiet time activity in preparation for bedtime routine – Bible story, teeth brushing, prayer
7:30pm: To Bed!

28 Month Old Schedules

7:15: eat breakfast (milk included)
11:30: eat lunch (milk included)
1:00: nap
4:30: wake
5:30ish: Dinner (milk included)
8:00: in bed

8:00–Wake up and eat breakfast
8:30–Music time/learning time review
9:00–Get ready
10:00–Walk or bike ride
10:30–Independent Play
11:30–Learning Activity
12:30–Outside play
4:00 or 4:30–Get up–or free play. I have cut TV out completely this month.
6:00–Family Activities
7:30–Get ready for bed

8:45 AM–Wake up/Breakfast
9:15 AM–Get ready
9:30 AM–Walk
10:30 AM–Outside Time
11:00 AM–Independent Playtime
12:15 PM–Lunch
12:45 PM–Learning Activity
1:00 PM–Sibling play with McKenna
1:30 PM–Nap
5:00 PM–Free Playtime
5:30 PM–Dinner
6:00 PM–Family Time
7:30 PM–Get Ready for Bed
8:00 PM–Bedtime

7:30 Wake up and drink milk in his room with a book
8:00 Bath and get dressed (he loves the bath so he spends a lot of time in there)
9:00 Breakfast
9:30-10:00 Independent play
10:00-10:30 Help mom with a chore
10:30-12:00 Run errands or play outside
12:00 Lunch
12:30-1:00 Quiet play with Mom (we usually play with his train set or blocks)
1:00 Story time
1:15-4:00 Nap time
4:00-4:30 Snack time and learning time
4:30-5:30 Outside play
5:30 TV time or help mom with dinner
6:00 dinner and family time
7:30 Family scripture and prayer and bedtime routine
8:00 Bed

We haven’t been following this schedule very well since summer started, but I began this routine when he turned 2 in March and I plan to get back to it when things settle down in the fall.

29 Month Old Schedules

8:00–Wake up and eat breakfast
8:30–Music time/learning time review
9:00–Get ready
10:00–Walk or bike ride
10:30–Independent Play
11:30–Learning Activity
12:30–Outside play
4:00 or 4:30–Get up–or free play. I have cut TV out completely this month.
6:00–Family Activities
7:30–Get ready for bed

8:45 AM–Wake up/Breakfast
9:15 AM–Get ready
10:00 AM–TV time
10:30 AM–Independent Playtime
11:45 AM–Help get lunch ready/hang out with me doing stuff
12:15 PM–Lunch
12:45 PM–Learning Activity
1:00 PM–Sibling play with McKenna
1:30/2:00 PM–Nap
4:30/5:00 PM–Wake up and Free Playtime
5:30 PM–Dinner
6:00 PM–Family Time
7:30 PM–Get Ready for Bed
8:00 PM–Bedtime

2.25 Year-Old Girl
7:00 – wake, OJ, TV time
7:30 – breakfast
8:00 – free playtime
9:00 – ready for day, errands, chores, art/craft time, etc.
10:00 – snack
12:30 – lunch
1:45 – 4:00/4:30 – nap
4:30 – learning time
5:00 – Daddy is home, schedule is “open”
6:00 – dinner
6:30 – Family time, play in yard, take a walk, etc.
8:30 – bath, snuggle, prayers and bed

During the school year, my husband is a teacher, the times listed are accurate. During the summer, however…give or take a good 30 thirty minutes

30 Month Old Schedules (2.5 Years Old)

It is a good idea to update toys every once in a wile so they are age-appropriate. See Best Toys for Toddler…2.5 and Up.

7:00 AM: Breakfast
12:00-12:15 PM: Lunch
1:00 PM: Nap
4:30 PM: Wake
5:00-5:30 PM: Dinner
8:00 PM: In bed

7:15–wake, eat breakfast. Take a bath and get ready for the day.
8:10–sibling playtime with Brayden
9:30–independent playtime
11:00–TV time
11:30–learning time
12:00–lunch. Then freetime
4:30–wake. Free time. We often do table time activities during this time.
5:00-5:30–dinner followed by family time.
7:30–start getting ready for bed.
8:00–in bed

We also do a daily chore each day. The exact time varies and is based on what the chore is. For example, Mondays she helps put her laundry away. This happens in the evening since I spend the day washing the laundry. Tuesdays, we dust. We do this in the morning hours.

1-3 days a week, this schedules is disrupted due to school drop offs and pick ups. I still needed to perfect what it would be for the school year at this point.

8:00–Wake up and eat breakfast
9:15–Get ready
10:00–Walk or bike ride
10:30–Independent Play
11:30–TV time possibly
12:30–Learning activity and free play with sibling
4:00 or 4:30–Get up–or free play.
6:00–Family Activities
7:30–Get ready for bed

8:45 AM–Wake up/Breakfast
9:15 AM–Get ready
10:00 AM–TV time
10:30 AM–Independent Playtime
11:45 AM–Help get lunch ready/hang out with me doing stuff
12:15 PM–Lunch
12:45 PM–Learning Activity
1:00 PM–Sibling play with McKenna
1:30/2:00 PM–Nap
4:30/5:00 PM–Wake up and Free Playtime
5:30 PM–Dinner
6:00 PM–Family Time
7:30 PM–Get Ready for Bed
8:00 PM–Bedtime

2.5 year old boy
7:30ish am wake up, get dressed, breakfast
9-11:30am Morning activities (may include independent playtime, playing at park, playgroup, errands, storytime, going to exercise group, household chores, church, etc.)
11:30ish am Lunch, free play if time, story, naptime
1-4ish pm Naptime.
After nap: Free play, sometimes a snack or a show
5:30ish pm Family dinner, then clean up and family time or more free play
7:30 start bedtime routine (PJs, song, family scriptures, prayer, brush teeth), in bed by 8pm.

30 months
10- snack + milk
12pm- lunch
1pm- down for nap
4pm- up from nap + milk
6:45-7:15pm- bedtime routine (bath, teeth, reading, prayer)
7:15- down for night

31 Month Old Schedules


1-3 days a week, this schedules is disrupted due to school drop offs and pick ups.

8:00–Wake up and eat breakfast
9:15–Get ready
10:00–Learning Poster and read stories with Mommy
10:30–Independent Play
11:30–TV time possibly
12:30–Learning activity and free play with sibling
4:00 or 4:30–Get up–or free play. 
6:00–Family Activities
7:30–Get ready for bed

8:45 AM–Wake up/Breakfast
9:15 AM–Get ready
10:00 AM–TV time
10:30 AM–Independent Playtime
11:45 AM–Help get lunch ready/hang out with me doing stuff
12:15 PM–Lunch
12:45 PM–Learning Activity
1:00 PM–Sibling play with McKenna
1:30/2:00 PM–Nap
4:30/5:00 PM–Wake up and Free Playtime
5:30 PM–Dinner
6:00 PM–Family Time
7:30 PM–Get Ready for Bed
8:00 PM–Bedtime

2.5 year old girl
7:10 up for day
7:30 breakfast
10:00 roomtime
11:00 video time
1130-12:00: lunch
1:00 nap
3:30-4:00: up from nap
6:00 dinner time
6:40: bath
7:10: bed for night

32 Month Old Schedules

1-3 days a week, this schedules is disrupted due to school drop offs and pick ups.

8:00–Wake up and eat breakfast
9:15–Get ready
10:00–Learning Poster and read stories with Mommy
10:30–Independent Play
11:30–TV time possibly
12:30–Learning activity and free play with sibling
4:00 or 4:30–Get up–or free play. 
6:00–Family Activities
7:30–Get ready for bed

8:45 AM–Wake up/Breakfast
9:15 AM–Get ready
10:00 AM–TV time
10:30 AM–Independent Playtime
11:45 AM–Help get lunch ready/hang out with me doing stuff
12:15 PM–Lunch
12:45 PM–Learning Activity
1:00 PM–Sibling play with McKenna
1:30/2:00 PM–Nap
4:30/5:00 PM–Wake up and Free Playtime
5:30 PM–Dinner
6:00 PM–Family Time
7:30 PM–Get Ready for Bed
8:00 PM–Bedtime

33 Month Old Schedule

Times are approximate for the most part.
7:15–wake. Breakfast. Take a bath and get ready for the day.
8:15–sibling playtime with Brayden
9:15–help me with chores. Learning activity.
10:00–sibling playtime with McKenna
10:20–independent playtime
11:30–TV time
12:00–lunch. Free time
4:30–wake. Free time.
5:30ish–dinner followed by family time.
7:30-8:00–in bed

8:00–Wake up and eat breakfast
9:15–Get ready
10:00–Learning Poster and read stories with Mommy
10:30–Independent Play
11:30–TV time possibly
12:30–Learning activity and free play with sibling
4:00 or 4:30–Get up–free play. 
6:00–Family Activities
7:30–Get ready for bed

8:45 AM–Wake up/Breakfast
9:15 AM–Get ready
10:00 AM–TV time
10:30 AM–Independent Playtime
11:45 AM–Help get lunch ready/hang out with me doing stuff
12:15 PM–Lunch
12:45 PM–Learning Activity
1:00 PM–Sibling play with McKenna
1:30/2:00 PM–Nap
4:30/5:00 PM–Wake up and Free Playtime
5:30 PM–Dinner
6:00 PM–Family Time
7:30 PM–Get Ready for Bed
8:00 PM–Bedtime

2.75 YO GIRL
30 months:
10- snack + milk
12pm- lunch
1pm- down for nap
4pm- up from nap + milk
6:45-7:15pm- bedtime routine (bath, teeth, reading, prayer)
7:15- down for night

34 Month Old Schedules

His schedule remained basically the same. Lunch moved back as Kaitlyn started to wake at 11:30.

7:15: eat breakfast (milk included)
12:00: eat lunch (milk included)
1:00: nap
4:30: wake
5:30ish: Dinner (milk included)
8:00: in bed

8:00–Wake up and eat breakfast
9:15–Get ready
10:00–Learning Poster and read stories with Mommy
10:30–Independent Play
11:30–TV time possibly
12:30–Learning activity and free play with sibling
4:00 or 4:30–Get up–or free play. 
6:00–Family Activities
7:30–Get ready for bed

8:45 AM–Wake up/Breakfast
9:15 AM–Get ready
10:00 AM–TV time
10:30 AM–Independent Playtime
11:45 AM–Help get lunch ready/hang out with me doing stuff
12:15 PM–Lunch
12:45 PM–Learning Activity (sometimes this is in the morning slot before lunch if getting ready doesn’t take as long)
1:00 PM–Sibling play with McKenna
1:30/2:00 PM–Nap
4:30/5:00 PM–Wake up and Free Playtime
5:30 PM–Dinner
6:00 PM–Family Time
7:30 PM–Get Ready for Bed
8:00 PM–Bedtime

7:30 – wake, potty, breakfast, TV
8:15 – Bible time, potty
8:35 – roomtime
9:35 – gym or run with her in stroller
10:30 – playdate or home/free play, playtime with Mom & “help” with chores
12:30 – lunch
1:15 – free play
1:30/2:00 – potty/nap
3:30/4:00 – up, potty, juice
4:15 – learning time
5:00 – outside play or free play/maybe TV
6:00 – dinner
6:45 – family time, time with Dad
7:20 – bath time
7:45 – stories and prayer
8:00 – bed

35 Month Old Schedules

8:00–Wake up and eat breakfast
9:15–Get ready
10:00–Learning Poster and read stories with Mommy
10:30–Independent Play
11:30–TV time possibly
12:30–Learning activity and free play with sibling
4:00 or 4:30–Get up–or free play. 
6:00–Family Activities
7:30–Get ready for bed

This is her typical daily schedule for summer–not a lot of structure.
8:45 AM–Wake up/Breakfast/Get ready
Sometime between breakfast and lunch, have Independent play for 60-90 minutes
12:00 PM–Lunch
1:30/2:00 PM–Nap
4:30/5:00 PM–Wake up and Free Playtime
5:30 PM–Dinner
6:00 PM–Family Time
8:00 PM–Get Ready for Bed
8:30 PM–Bedtime

During the day, we will do learning activities, play outside, go for walks, go to the park, go do other fun stuff…what we do each day has varied a lot so far.

3 Year Old Schedules

Brayden’s schedule has shifted a bit right around age three. I liked the kids to nap at the same time, so I usually let him stay up until Kaitlyn’s naptime.

I also started getting them up at the same time in the morning, and somehow got him to go to her schedule instead of her to his.

7:30: eat breakfast (milk included)
12:00: eat lunch (milk included)
1:45: nap
4:30-5:00: wake up
5:30: dinner (milk included)
8:00: in bed

>>>Read: Sample 3 Year Old Daily Schedules and Routines

8:00–Wake up and eat breakfast
9:15–Get ready
10:00–Learning Poster and read stories with Mommy
10:30–Independent Play
11:30–TV time possibly
12:30–Learning activity and free play with sibling
4:00 or 4:30–Get up–or free play. 
6:00–Family Activities
7:30–Get ready for bed

8:45 AM–Wake up/Breakfast/Get ready
Sometime between breakfast and lunch, have Independent play for 60-90 minutes
12:00 PM–Lunch
1:30/2:00 PM–Nap
4:30/5:00 PM–Wake up and Free Playtime
5:30 PM–Dinner
6:00 PM–Family Time
8:00 PM–Get Ready for Bed
8:30 PM–Bedtime

3 year old Girl (38.5 months)
7-7:30am Wake, Breakfast
7:30-8:00 Play, Help with Chores
8:00-9:00 Sibling Play/Play Outside
9:00-10:00 Independent Play
10:00-11:00 Learning Time
11:00-11:30 Play
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-1:00pm Sibling Play or TV Time
1:00-3:30 Nap/Rest Time
3:30 Snack
4:00-5:30 Play/Errands
5:30-6:00 Dinner
6:00-6:30 Play Outside
6:30 Bath, Get Ready for Bed
6:50-7:15 Game Time
7:15-7:30 Read Books in Bed
7:30 BedtimeIt’s summer in Florida so our outside time is in the morning or after dinner. When the weather is cooler we go out after nap. This is more of our typical at home day. Some mornings are spent at activities like swimming or dance lessons. Our game time is after her baby brother is in bed. We will play one board game with just her. It is a great way to end the day with special one on one time and a low key activity. 

3.5 year old boy
7:30 wake up, breakfast
10:00 snack
12:00 lunch
1:30 nap/rest time (he sleeps about half of the days)
3:30/4:00 get up
5:30 supper8:00 in bed

My son is 3 years, 6 months old & what I consider to be a low sleep needs child. This is a loose schedule as it changes based on the time of year.

6am wake time
6:30 breakfast
7am chores, sibling play
9am errands, outdoor play, classes, lessons
9:30am snack
12:30 pm lunch
1pm independent playtime
1:30-3:30 pm nap
3:30 pm snack
4pm outdoor time, free play
5pm screen time
5:30 pm dinner
6:30 pm bath
7pm quiet time, small snack if requested
7:30 pm bedtime

Related Sample Schedule Posts

toddler sample schedules 1-3 years old

This post originally appeared on this blog March 2008