
There are many ways to collaborate with me at Chronicles of a Babywise Mom.


If you have a product you would like me to review or a campaign you would like me to work on, please either leave a comment here or contact me directly at [email protected]. Let me know what you have in mind. I will respond with my media kit and rates. I can do blog posts and/or various social media channel posts.

You can see samples of past work here: Product Reviews Index.


For pricing and information, please email me at [email protected].

Guest Posts

I currently do not accept guest posts from unsolicited writers. I love guest posts from parents who are friendly to the philosophies outlined on this blog. If you are relevant to that, I welcome discussing you doing a guest post on my blog.

If you are a writer trying to get your name out there or someone who is trying to push a certain product, you are probably not what I am looking for on this blog. I rarely accept unsolicited posts. The reason for this is that I don’t want the posts of this blog to become a string of advertisements; I want posts relevant, real, and consistent to the purposes of this blog. I get at least five emails a day from different people wanting to post on my blog with “unique content” for the purpose of advertising something. If I do not respond, you can assume it isn’t a good fit for the blog.


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