No Regrets in Parenting Journey

The other night, I went to a parent meeting for children who will be entering Kindergarten next school year (I know! Crazy!). As I sat there listening to the things my four year old needs to know in six months when he starts Kindergarten, I couldn’t help but feel really good. The fact is, Kaitlyn, my two year old, knows all of that stuff right now. Brayden is way beyond that.

It was really nice to be sitting in that meeting feeling fully confident rather than feeling panic-stricken. It got me reflecting on Brayden’s life to this point. I thought about all I have done with him. All the training I have done, all the activities we have done, all the moral lessons we have discussed…

And I had a great thought.

I have no regrets.

Things are going really well. Is Brayden perfect? No. He is human just like the rest of us. He makes mistakes. He has plenty to improve on.

But he is doing so well. I am so happy with the little man he is turning into.

I just wanted to share this realization with you all. We often question ourselves as parents. I think it is common to be concerned that we might “ruin our children.” Just continue on your path.

Establishing sleep patterns and eating patterns can be hard. It is worth it.

Reaching the point of happily playing independently is hard for some children. It is worth it.

Spending time with your children can be taxing day after day. It is worth it.

Reading stories each day (especially the same story for lots and lots of days) adds lots of time to the bedtime routine. It is worth it.

Taking time for learning activities each day requires effort on your part. It is worth it.

Training your child morally is a bit more than many parents will do with children the same age. It is worth it.

It is all worth it! Stick with it! You, too, can look back in a few years with no regrets. What a wonderful feeling to have!

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