McKenna Pre-Toddler Summary: 17.5 Months Old

A full summary of life for this 17.5 month old. Find out what daily life was like and find a 17.5 month old sample schedule to follow.

17.5 month old McKenna reading with her dad

The last two weeks have been quite calm. So calm I considered not even doing a summary…then I realized she was almost not a pre-toddler, so I had to do it! Just so I can call her a pre-toddler one extra time.


Great. She is continuing to get better and better with the spoon. Sometimes she eats part of the meal with it, then wants me to feed her.

I tell her she can do it and she doesn’t always like that. I am not sure if she is conflicted over growing up, decides it is getting to be too much work, or just wants to eat faster and knows I can provide that…or something else altogether.


The biggest story here is that she and Kaitlyn started having more consistent sibling play since Brayden started school. They have a lot of fun together.

I schedule 20-30 minutes of them alone together and we haven’t had any issues.

She is more interested in playing with other kids and wanting to join them.


We started blanket time again. She remembered exactly what it was and what the rules were. The first day she was literally perfect. I was in shock.

Day two….I moved her back onto the blanket while she giggled in delight about a billion times. She never got frustrated with it.

I sat there for 25 minutes moving her back on, waiting for her to finally sit. I ended up waiting until she waited a couple of seconds and I snatched her off and said blanket time was over.

The girl is tenacious. And loves a good time.

>>>Read: Blanket Time Full Guide


Sleep is all good, but I do plan on evaluating the morning nap need over the next two weeks to see if it needs to be shortened or even dropped.

Most children are about 18 months when they drop it, and she has been pretty close to text book, so I will be looking into that.

>>>Read: Dropping the Morning Nap Full Guide


She still adds words every day. She also tries to stay pretty much everything you say. I love listening to these little ones try to say words. It is so cute what their version of the word ends up being.


I think we got a new tooth in? We either got a new molar, or nothing happened. I am going to have to sit down and write it all out.


Our schedule is more structured now:

9:00–bath/get ready
9:30–go for a walk
10:00–learning time
10:30–sibling playtime
1:00–blanket time
1:30–independent play
2:30–“help” me with chores
5:00–wake. Dinner. Free play and family time
8:00–in bed by this time. Sometimes sooner.



17.5 month old daily schedule