Poll Discussion: Pacifiers


Today’s poll is on something that people always have questions about: pacifiers. Here are the questions–if you don’t have an answer for a question, just reply N/A:

  1. Did/does your child use a pacifier?
  2. What age did you start using a pacifier?
  3. Do you think the pacifier ever interfered with breastfeeding or bottle feeding?
  4. Do you think the pacifier ever interfered with sleep?
  5. If it did interfere with sleep, how did you solve that?
  6. Did you have any “rules” for pacifier use (for example, how often would you reinsert it, was it allowed out of the bed, etc.)? If so, what were they?
  7. At what age did you wean the pacifier?
  8. How did you wean the pacifier?
  9. How did your child handle weaning?
  10. Any pacifier tips?
  11. Would you use a pacifier again?

It makes it easiest for me if you copy the questions and then answer below the question. If you don’t have an answer for a question, just reply N/A. Thank you!