McKenna Summary: 8.25 Years Old

This is a summary for McKenna from 8-8.25 years old.

McKenna Summary: 8.25 Years Old


Eating is the same as always. McKenna eats well. 


Sleep is good. She still needs a lot of sleep. I would guess she will be that way for life. 


Some of this period was during the school year. School was great! 


McKenna had dance going on. She loves to dance and loves to perform on stage. She played rec soccer. She had piano lessons. 

McKenna was on the swim team, but wanted to play competitive soccer. We only allow one competitive team at a time (unless the seasons don’t overlap, but swimming is year round). So she had to decide. She went with soccer. She has been practicing with a competitive team. Their season will start in the Fall. 

This summer, she did a rock climbing camp. Rock climbing is one of her very favorite activities and ever since it ended, she has been talking about wanting to do another one.

As I looked over Kaitlyn’s summary for this age, I was reminded that Kaitlyn had some friend drama going on already at this age. I am so glad that McKenna thus far has not had drama with friends. Her friends bicker at times, but there isn’t any manipulation or anything. I am so glad to avoid that issue for a while longer!

McKenna loves to be active. She always wants to be moving and using her muscles. She also loves reading. Nancy Clancy (affiliate link) is a favorite book series right now. She loves to play board games, and she often plays Sleeping Queens (affiliate link) with Brinley. 


Here is her summer schedule:

Wake up, eat breakfast, get ready.

Outside time.

Chore time.

12:00 lunch


Free time.

5:00 dinner. Then time with family.

8:30 in bed

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