My Goals and Resolutions for 2017


“In the next few months, I will be making decisions that will impact who my friends are, who my spouse is, where I will live, what my children’s lives are like, and what my life will look like” shared a 17 year old, senior in high school, girl this past Sunday in church. A man sitting behind us leaned forward and whispered, “Whoa, that’s heavy.” I nodded, “It’s true though!” I responded back. 


In our youth, we made a lot of goals. If we didn’t have our goals constantly in our sights and being evaluated, we could easily end up in a major lack of progression while our friends around us moved forward with major steps in life.


As adults, our major life decisions tend to slow down. Yes, we have the “When should we have a baby?” talks every so often. We have new job opportunities come up. We might decide from time to time about a move. But those big decisions are typically more spread out than they were during those late high school and college years. 


It can lead us to a place where we just stop bothering with goals. Don’t! You know I love goals. Continue to set goals. I am a huge believer in goal accountability, also. You can’t just set them, you need to answer to someone about it. For that reason, I share my goals with you here each year. 


This year I decided to take my goal inspiration from the “9 Ways to Be Happy” list I shared with you last month. 


1-Be More Grateful

The first step on the list of ways to be happy is to be grateful. When I was in college, I kept a gratitude journal. Each night, I would write 3 things I was grateful for. I want to pick up that habit again. 


2-Be Smarter

I want to learn something new this year. I plan to do this in one, perhaps two, phases. One is to read some biographies of people I look up to. The other is I might take on learning how to play the piano this Fall. I have ALWAYS wanted to know how to play the piano and had decided to do it when my youngest was in school. Brinley will probably be in Kindergarten this Fall (ack!), so I could start then. I do need to wait and be sure she is and be sure our teacher can fit me into the schedule. If so, I am going to do it! Yay!


3-Create Welcome Packet for New Swim Team Members

The main coach of our swim team has two, large teams she is over. She has a lot going on managing those teams. She also has a constant flow of new team members, since kids start, realize how hard it is, and stop, so then more kids join. I have some writing skills and ability to create documents and graphics, so I am going to help out the coaches and the new people by creating a welcome packet to give them all the info they need.


4-Clean Out Storage Room

We have this storage room that needs some love. I did the rest of the house last year, but I didn’t consider the storage room as part of the house when I planned my cleaning out last year. 2017 is the year! 


5-Write in Journal Weekly

There was a time I was great at writing in my journal. Not now. I want to write in my journal at least weekly. If weekly doesn’t end up working, I will switch to daily. Sometimes it is easier to do stuff like that every day than once a week because it can be more of a consistent habit.


6-Finish Our Home Addition

This is a big project we have been working on since the spring of 2016. We hope to finish it all this calendar year. It really takes the whole family pitching in around the house and on the addition to make it all happen.


Okay your turn! What are you goals this year? They don’t have to be as heavy or seemingly life-altering as they once were. But even a small goal like “Be more grateful” can have a huge alteration on your life for the better.


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2 thoughts on “My Goals and Resolutions for 2017”

  1. Thanks for sharing your goals Val. I love that you are going to learn the piano. For some reason I thought you could play already. Vaguely remember reading about you doing singing with the children in the mornings? Anyway I have also wanted to learn the piano for so long. You are inspiring me!Also did you do any posts about your organising/cleaning your home last year? I need to do this this year and always find it fascinating to see/read what others are doing.I love to set goals.My problem is I end up with way too many. I just get too excited!Happy New Year!Jerusha


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