Poll Discussion: Age Gap Between Children


No matter how much you research it, you will never find the perfect, one right answer. The reason? There are too many variables and too many life experiences to draw from. What worked well for one family may have been hard for another. Every age spacing has its perks and its difficulties. 


Despite that, we humans want to know. We want to ask around and be told what is best. I maintain there isn’t a best, but I do think it can be wise to gather experiences from other so you can see what seems to fit you best. 


Please take a moment to fill this poll out on the topic of age spacing. Share your experience with honesty and realism. It is very helpful for me when compiling answers if you at least number the answers you give. You can also copy the questions and answer them. If the question does not apply to you, simply put “N/A.”


1. What is the age spacing between your children? (if you have more than two children, you can list the various age gaps).


2. What are the perks, or pros,  of each age gap? (if you listed more than one, please list the perks with the age gap listed. For example, “18 month gap: Perks are…”)


3. What are the drawbacks, or cons, of each age gap? (if you listed more than one, please list the perks with the age gap listed. For example, “24 month gap: Cons are…”)


4. Knowing what you know now, what do you imagine the perfect age gap might be (if you were able to have it just how you wanted)?


5. Any comments you want to share?