Poll Discussion: Chores


As college-aged students get more and more unable to handle the pressures of college, people are starting to try to analyze why this is. As I have read over the many articles circulating on this topic, I have noticed that most (if not all) articles talk about the importance of having your children do chores while raising them. And so, that is the topic of our current poll.


It is very helpful for me when compiling answers if you at least number the answers you give. You can also copy the questions and answer them. If the question does not apply to you, simply put “N/A.”


1-What is the age of your child?

2-Do you have your child do chores?

3-What are 3-5 examples of chores that your child currently does?

4-What age did you start chores?

5-Do you think it is important for your child to do chores?

6-In reference to question 5, why yes or why no?

7-Any words of advice of comments on chores?

4 thoughts on “Poll Discussion: Chores”

  1. 1-What is the age of your child? 3 years (39 months)2-Do you have your child do chores? yes, but not regularly with a chore chart. She helps as I need things done and when I have time to teach her to do it correctly.3-What are 3-5 examples of chores that your child currently does? unload the dishwasher (with help), sort laundry by color, set table for each meal (placemats, napkins, flatware), clean up toys, switch laundry from washer to dryer, help clean bathroom (kind of)4-What age did you start chores? 1.5-2 maybe? When she started to show interest in what I was doing I let her help. Cleaning up toys and witching loads of laundry were our first chores. I add things as I see she is capable of more, and as it can help me out.5-Do you think it is important for your child to do chores? YES6-In reference to question 5, why yes or why no? We are a part of a family and we all have to help out. I want my kids to know how to take care of themselves, and realize that nice things don't just magically happen. You have to work hard to have nice things. I also think there is great satisfaction in accomplishing a project; even if it is just scrubbing a toilet.7-Any words of advice of comments on chores? While I believe chores are important, and there is a need to start early, I don't want to overwhelm my children with responsibility just yet. I want them to spend most of their day playing because they will only get that for a short time. I also had 3 babies in 3 years so maybe when I am no longer pregnant and/ or nursing I will have time to do more chores during the day, and can actually teach my kids how to do them as well. I'm thinking that maybe school age will be a good time to start that.

  2. 1-What is the age of your child? 4 years2-Do you have your child do chores? Yes3-What are 3-5 examples of chores that your child currently does? Put silverware away, fold diapers, wash clothes, hand towels etc, clean her room, clean her place after meals, pick up toys4-What age did you start chores? 18 mo for some simple tasks5-Do you think it is important for your child to do chores? yes6-In reference to question 5, why yes or why no? It teaches a child that it takes work to keep the house together, responsibility, and taking pride in a job well done.7-Any words of advice of comments on chores? I don't do a chore chart, I simply ask her to help out when I'm doing chores and it works great. Depending on the day we don't do more than cleaning up toys and others I have multiple loads of laundry and she wants to offer a hand cleaning windows or such. To me it's about learning and helping out at this age and not a check list.

  3. 1-What is the age of your child? 9 years and 6 years old2-Do you have your child do chores? Yes3-What are 3-5 examples of chores that your child currently does? Besides cleaning up after themselves at table, bathroom, and after playing with toys, they do: feed, water, and hay our guinea pig, occasionally dishes, occasionally sweep the front walk or rake leaves or clean out a car (for pay), and on Saturdays the two of them empty all our trashes, vacuum or dust, put away laundry, help clean bathrooms, and wash baseboards. 4-What age did you start chores? Around 18 months or 2 years old, I taught them to clean up their toys.5-Do you think it is important for your child to do chores? Yes6-In reference to question 5, why yes or why no? The attitudes of everyone are more cheerful once the whole family accepts that we are all helping each other when we clean house. It creates a culture of everyone helps, everyone cares.7-Any words of advice of comments on chores? Some chores seemed too hard for my children at different ages, so I sometimes lost consistency in having them do chores. If I had to do it over again, I would choose chores carefully each year and break them down into small steps and repeat, repeat, repeat. I would try not to overwhelm the kids but have them do chores on a very, very regular basis. No system is going to be absolutely perfect, though. 🙂

  4. 1-What is the age of your child? 2.75 yrs, 12 months2-Do you have your child do chores? Yes3-What are 3-5 examples of chores that your child currently does? Sweep/hold the dust pan and dump it, roll the cord up on the vacuum cleaner (with help), help clear dishes off table after dinner, make his bed (pull the sheets up when handed the corner and put the pillow on top), match socks, help hold hose to water plants, put away laundry in drawers/push laundry baskets4-What age did you start chores? Cleaning up his toys came first, around 9 months, when i would take his hands and do it for him. Then I'd clap and say "good job!" Clearing off dishes is the newest addition this month. He does it occasionally (his idea) and if/when we ask. It is very new and exciting. My 1 year old helps put away some toys and loves pushing laundry baskets.5-Do you think it is important for your child to do chores? Yes6-In reference to question 5, why yes or why no? I think it helps teach responsibility, helping others, work ethic, focus and follow through, as well organizational skills. Also, having responsibility inside of a group also instills pride and belonging in that unit.7-Any words of advice of comments on chores? We have no set schedule yet. I'm not sure when that will come. We sing a "clean up" song pretty much every time we clean up toys in a room we are leaving. They both like that. Some chores are non negotiable (make bed, pick up toys), while others are still voluntary. He chooses to help with these about 80% ofcthe time, if i make them look fun enough 🙂


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