45 minutes: 24 votes (11%)
1 hour: 26 votes (12%)
1 hour 15 minutes: 26 votes (12%)
1.5 hours: 59 votes (26%)
1 hour 45 minutes: 18 votes (8%)
2 hours: 48 votes (21%)
2 hours or more: 24 votes (11%)
Total of 225 votes
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- poll results (blog label)
- nap lengths (blog label)
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Hi! My son is turning 6 months old this weekend. We've followed an eat, play, sleep routine since early on. He is exclusively BF – we plan to introduce solids this coming week. We really don't have any trouble with bed time, sleeping at night or getting him to go down for a nap but his nap lengths have always varied greatly. Some days all his naps will be 30 minutes long – he wakes up happy and that is that. Other days he'll nap for an hour and half at a time. Also, He is almost 6 months old and taking 4 naps a day. Do you think it's necessary to drop one of his naps? If so how do you suggest we do that? Thank you for your help.
Oops I meant to ask in the first paragraph, do you have any suggestions for lengthening nap time or do you think it's even necessary?