45 minutes: 12 votes (7%)
1 hour: 16 votes (9%)
1 hour 15 minutes: 17 votes (10%)
1.5 hours: 44 votes (27%)
1 hour 45 minutes: 20 votes (14%)
2 hours: 44 votes (27%)
More than 2 hours: 12 votes (7%)
Total of 165 votes
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- nap lengths (blog label)
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PLEASE HELP!!! My almost 8 month old daughter has changed naps on me:( She was taking two consistent naps for an hour and a half each time. It was like clockwork- I could judge exactly when she would wake up. But over the last two weeks, both her am and pm naps have shortened. She was only sleeping for about and hour and ten minutes, maybe 15 mins. And this week she will not sleep any longer than 45 minutes! Is she ready to drop to one nap already??? She wakes from her pm nap around 2:15ish and getting her to go until bedtime around 7:30 is a struggle b/c she seems so cranky and tired. I'm pulling my hair out!!! She is recently mobile- pulling up, crawling, standing, crusing etc. But the nap disruptions are lasting so long if it is attributed to her mobility! Any suggestions???
Mark and Mandi,She is definitely not ready to go to one nap. Have you looked at the post of 5-8 month nap disruptions? How long have the disruptions gone on?
I just wanted to share a success story and a tip because I feel like I have been struggling with my son's naps for weeks and weeks! I have had my son on a 3-3.5 hour schedule and he is almost 8 months. I was reluctant to move him to anything beyond because I never have to "wake him" from his I assumed he wasn't ready. The last 2-3 days I have just said, let's try..and we are doing 4 hours 7, 11, 3, snack at 4:30ish, and 7. Well, he is napping better!!! I guess I needed to do this sooner. Hopefully this will give an idea to some of your readers that may be struggling with the same thing. 🙂
by the way, it has taken a few days to get better. it didn't happen in one day. 🙂
Thanks Ericksons! That has been true for many moms. Thanks for sharing!