As an elementary school teacher, I make sure to provide plenty of structure, routines, and consistency to my students’ day, all the while being flexible when needed. I know firsthand that children thrive on structure, and it gives them the security they need to be able to understand their boundaries and focus on learning while they are at school. So, when I became pregnant with my first child in 2009 and started reading the Babywise book my friend had loaned me, I knew that this was just the resource I needed!
I was blessed to have my son at the end of one school year and be able to take a maternity leave at the beginning of the next school year, so I didn’t have to return to teaching until he was 4 ½ months old. I had very specific goals for my time at home with him: teach him how to fall asleep on his own and sleep through the night, establish a consistent routine, and have him be the kind of child that my babysitter would find enjoyable to watch during the day. I am pleased to say that all of these goals became reality! That doesn’t mean that it was always easy, however. It’s very difficult to wake up a sleeping baby in order to keep him on his routine, I had a VERY hard time breastfeeding and had to mostly pump and supplement (which wasn’t what I had planned on doing), and there were many tough days with short naps, determining the best waketimes, etc. During these tough times, though, I always had a plan and structure to go back to and plenty of ideas from the Babywise Chronicles, which made all the difference. I always knew what my goals were, I prayed and asked God for wisdom, and I believed that perseverance would pay off, which it did!
I do get compliments all the time from people saying how laid back and happy my son is, and while I do think temperament plays a part in all that, I also know that using the ideas from Babywise have made a big difference, too! I really don’t think I could have had such a smooth transition from being home to being a working mom if it hadn’t been for Babywise. Now that it’s summertime again and I get to be a full-time stay at home mom to my 1 year old for a few months, I look forward to structuring my son’s day in a way that he can continue to learn and develop and we can make the most of our time together every day!
Hannah D.
You most probably has supply issues because you weren't feeding demand. Babies need to feed often to increase your milk supply to meet their need.