
The first element to the Babywise routine is “Eat.” These posts will help guide you through the elements of “eat” you will encounter as a Babywise mom. Visit this page for help on the “Wake” portion of the Babywise routine. Visit this page for help on the “Sleep” portion of the routine.

Everything you need to know about feeding a baby on the Babywise schedule | Babywise | Feeding babies | #babywise



Breastfeeding Problems

Discipline and Feeding:

Dreamfeed: (see also Dreamfeed Blog Index)

Dropping Feedings:

Feeding Cycle:

Feeding Supplies:

Finger Foods:

Everything you need to know about feeding a baby on the Babywise schedule | Babywise | Feeding babies | #babywise

Food Amounts

Growth Spurts:

Making Babyfood:


Newborns and Feeding: (for more on Newborns, see the Newborn Index)

Nighttime Feedings:

Picky Eating:



Sippy Cups:

Solid Foods:




3 thoughts on “Eat”

  1. Have you ever experienced a baby that just refuses to eat? My baby is 4.5 months old and was on a fairly consistent 3 hour schedule drinking 4 oz each time. But more and more when it was time to eat he wasn’t interested so i moved him to 4 hours and he’s still not interested! I struggle to get him to drink 4oz and I know that’s not nearly enough. I do feed him once in the middle of the night but just feeling so hopeless. Why does he refuse his bottle all of the sudden and introducing baby food has been hit or miss as well because he thrusts it right back out.

  2. My 7.5 month old is still taking three naps (3rd is cat nap) but About half the time she wakes Early from her first nap. She was sleeping two hours and sometimes only sleeps 1:20. But she isn’t very hungry at her wake time anymore. Whether she sleeps the 1:20 or 2 hours, she is very lazy about feeding and not very interested.
    2 questions:
    Is it ok for her to be awake for some time, maybe an hour, before feeding her? Possibly she’ll be more interested in eating after a little more time. This is just contrary to all I’ve been doing since I’ve always fed my babies right when they wake.
    Also, if she’s not sleeping the full two hours, does this mean I should actually be dropping her third nap?😬

    • It can be okay to have some waketime before feeding–even up to 30 minutes. But I would experiment and try dropping that third nap and see if it solves things. You also might (or instead might) need a little longer waketime length in the morning.


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