Discipline Phrases for Parents

A discipline phrase is a great way to correct your child on the fly. Having these phrases in your back pocket helps you to respond to difficult situations without losing your temper. It also helps you to respond in the way you want to respond and maintain your parenting goals and standards.

Dad correcting his child on the sidwalk outside

7 Phrases To Help You Avoid Losing Your Temper as a Parent

Having phrases you can quickly go to really help you know exactly how to respond in the moment. It can be hard to know what to say when your child does or says something they shouldn’t. It can really catch you off guard. These phrases help you to have an immediate response without having to think about it. This helps you not be emotional or irrational in your reaction.

parent on one knee with child having fit
Phrase to Stop Whining
Child talking back to parent
Phrase to Respond to Drama
parent communicating with child graphic
Phrase for Picky Eating
Bored child on the couch

How To Respond When Your Child Says “I’m Bored!”

They say Isaac Newton invented calculus during a pandemic when isolating at home. Being bored isn’t a bad thing! Here are ways to respond when your child declares that they are board.

Little toddler with blue eyes standing on grass

Discipline Phrase: “You don’t have the freedom to…”

One of the most important things to understand with parenting a child is “freedoms.” This phrase helps you keep your child in check when it comes to freedoms (and it helps you keep freedoms in mind, also).

Boy with blue eyes staring at the camera while in the water

Discipline Phrase: “I didn’t ask if you wanted to…”

Children do not always want to do things you tell them to, and they are not afraid to let you know that. This phrase helps with those issues.

Child with one hand behind his head

One-Liner for Preschoolers

No one wants to be a nag, and no one wants to be negative. This discipline phrase helps you with parenting your preschooler.

Defiant looking girl in black and white photo

The Perfect Response for a Defiant Child

This is my best phrase for responding when your child is just being defiant.


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