Parenting Teens: Tips Parents Need

Teenagers can be so much fun! They also bring a lot of stress as they have more freedom and you have to allow them to take more control of their lives. Get the tips you need for parenting your teens and help them successfully transition to adulthood.

McKenna and Kaitlyn as teenagers
Teen on an iPhone in the car

Post Contents

Technology Rules for Teens

Rules you should set for your teens for technology use. Set up tech rules and boundaries to keep your teen safe.

Plowman family posing for a photo in the fall

Weekend Routines for Older Kids

As your kids get older, you wonder what a weekend routine should look like. This post outlines what to consider in your weekend routine, from morning wake up time to bedtime. It also goes over different activities to do and responsibilities to include your child’s weekend.

17 year old Brayden

Teen Summaries

I have summaries for each of my four children throughout their teen age range years. These can help you see what is typical and what kind of issues will come up. I also include sample schedules in each summary!

teenager using a cell phone

Cell Phone Rules for Teens and Tweens

As you get your tween or teen a cell phone, establish rules about where they can be used, rules for before and after school, expectations at school, rules for apps, and other good rules to establish with your teenagers and preteens.

Teenage son and his mother looking at each other happily

Combatting Teen Attitude

How do you deal with a difficult teenager? Read this for tips in dealing with a difficult teenager and that teen attitude and understand what is normal teenage behavior.

Mom and daughter together

Getting Kids to Talk and Open Up to You

Get actionable tips and steps you can take to get your kids to open up and talk to you. Learn how to implement it into your life and build your bond with your kids.

Mom and teen daughter

How Much Control Should You Give Teens

As hard as it is, teenagers need to be given control and allowed to make their own decisions. Find out when to back off and when to press.

gifts for teens

Best Teen Gift Ideas!

Get gift ideas for teenage girls and teenage boys. These make great Christmas gifts and birthday gifts for teens.

Tween girl sleeping

Sleep Tips and Needs for Teens and Tweens

Learn how many hours of sleep a tween or teen needs, what time bedtime should be, why sleep is still important, and how to help your child get great sleep in these age groups.

teen looking like she feels left out of a group of other teens

How to Respond to “Everyone Else is Doing It”

How to Respond to “Everyone Else is Doing It” Avoid peer pressure from your parent peers, whether real or perceived. Stick to your family rules.

Brayden before getting wisdom teeth removed

Wisdom Teeth Removal: How to Prep and Recovery Tips

Wisdom tooth removal can seem daunting, but it can be a fast and easy recovery with some tips. Find out how to prepare and how to ease pain.

new teenage driver

Teen Driving Contract (with free printable)

A teenage driver is a new driver. A parent-teen driving contract can help set up expectations and requirements that everyone agrees on.

Teen looking to the side with some sass

How To Best Handle Teen Backtalk

Teen backtalk is frustrating. While it is normal for teens to backtalk, that does not mean that you do nothing to correct it. Get 7 tips for how to best handle backtalk. Learn how to respond as well as how to prevent it in the future.

Teen boy and his mom

Have a New Teenager By Friday Book Review

A full review of the book Have a New Teenager by Friday by Kevin Leman. Find out the topics and if the book is worth reading or not.

Recent Teen Age Range Posts

More Teen Age Range Help Help

Teen Age Range

Here is all of the information for parenting teenagers that you need broken down into categories.

Book Lists


  • None yet!

Teen Schedules and Sleep

See also teen summaries linked below

Teen Age Range Play Time, Toys, and Gift Guides

Teen Age Range Discipline

>>>Read more about discipline and correction here

Teen Age Range Tips and Advice

Teen Summaries

>>>See all of my teen age range posts here

Parenting teens pinnable image

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