Babywise Story

Here is a story from a mother of three who has been doing Babywise for 4.5 years.


I was introduced to BW through a friend of my mom’s a few months before my first child was born. She actually had some lectures on tape, and I listened to them in the car. Then my husband & I read the book. We knew right away we wanted to follow BW, and I never read anything else. I knew the philosophy fit in with our beliefs about the family. We have the whole -Wise series.
So many times I’ve been thankful for BabyWise! After I had my first child, I just couldn’t imagine what I would be doing with him if I didn’t have some kind of plan. I used the charts in the back of the book and everything, and it really helped me with my new mom insecurities. I got in touch with a contact mom through GFI’s website when he was 8 weeks old, and by 10 weeks had him sleeping through the night. I am still connected with my CM to this day, 4.5 years later. She’s been a lifesaver!
BabyWise really saved the day when I had my 2nd child just 17 months later. I had been using the principles from BabyWise II with my son. The playpen time and other discipline made the difference in my day. I was able to nurse while he stayed in the same room, playing quietly. My 2nd child was a natural sleeper. She took to the routine easily and slept through with no prompting from me by 8 weeks old.
My 3rd child was the polar opposite. She seemed to hate sleep from the beginning. But I persevered…by 14 weeks she had stopped crying when going down for naps. And by the time she was 4 months, she had become a great sleeper. It’s amazing. She’s never been as “by the book” as my other two, but without BW, I know she would never have slept anywhere but on me.


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