While I was pregnant with my third boy the most common thing I heard from people with three or more kids is that three kids is the hardest number. I knew that in order to make the transition and my day a little less chaotic I would need to have a schedule figured out that would work for all three.
We have done Babywise from the very beginning with the oldest two and we once again started it right a way with our third. By two weeks old he had put himself on a 4 hour schedule and was sleeping two 6 hour stretches at night. By 2 months old he was sleeping 10-12 hours at night which made his wake up time in the morning more consistent and allowed our days to be more predictable.
I have been able to schedule the day in such a way that when I feed the baby I can focus exclusively on him and not worry about what the other two are doing. I do this by feeding him before the older two wake up for the day, during independent play, and before they wake up from their naps. When it is time to feed the baby before bed my husband is home from work and is able to care for the other two.
Somedays our schedule is off because of a growth spurt for the baby or a number of other reasons and those days are chaotic and stressful and make me even more grateful for our normal routine.
3 Boys ages 3, 21 months, 3 months