- Salina said…
Can you desribe how you move from a 4 hour schedule to align feeding times with the rest of the families lunch and dinner? Other things I’m interested in: offering snack when/how; offering juice vs. water; learning how to use a sippy; learning how to eat finger foods (not just playing with it)Thanks!
January 4, 2008 9:15 AM
Plowmanators said…
You bet. I will do separate posts on those topics! Thanks for asking!
January 4, 2008 10:09 AM - John and Amanda said… I have an idea for an article for you… that is IF it is something you do.. In babywise they talk about “couch time”- My husband and I were talking about implementing this in our family and I was wondering if you do this particular aspect of BW and if so, how does this look for your family? Another question that I have, that is not completely BW related, but you give such good advice i was wondering what your “take” on it would be… how did/do you introduce the word/idea of “no” to your baby. I saw your article on BW II freedoms and you talked about it a little… but with my 6.5 month old (which I realize he is too young to really understand it yet) he laughs at me when I give a stern look or say “no” to him. I don’t expect him to really understand it at 6.5 months old, but then I know I also need to START somewhere… he’s grabbing for things like my necklace, the food bowl, and even the servers watch when we went out to eat this weekend! He’s also starting to “cry” out when I take things away so I know the time is approaching when this will become an issue….I was curous when you started to see your children understand what “no” is… Like I said I know that 6.5 months is too young, but I was curious what your experiences were with introducing some form of discipline or the “it’s a no” idea… I don’t want to miss the boat on it and start too late! Sorry for the long questions!! :)Thanks! ~Amanda
January 27, 2008 6:09 PM - Krystal said…
My son is 3 (dec. 20) and he is a BW baby. When he was young he was very obedient, but now he is definently obstinent. It doesn’t matter what I say, a tatrum will follow. I could say do you want a peice of candy, and he would throw a fit. He is a reverse puppet as well, but only at his convenience. Does anyone have some dicipline suggestions? We have taken toys, timeout, spankings, sending him to his room, threatening to leave him home if he doesn’t get his shoes on, etc. I am at the end of my rope!! Taking a toy used to work, but now when I ask him to do something, and he says no, and I tell him that he can do it, or I will take a toy away, he tells me to take one away!! Yeah, that backfired!! When I put him in timeout he just screams and kicks and punches the wall. Man, I have not painted a very nice picture of my son have I? Really, he is a sweet child, but the tantrums are starting to happen more often then the sweet child thing. SO HELP!
January 31, 2008 8:16 PM
Plowmanators said…
Krystal, I will be posting a toddler discipline post…perhaps sooner than I planned 🙂
February 1, 2008 10:07 AM - Kate said…
Is there a blog on 4 month problems? I thought I remember you talking about that, but I couldn’t find it in the blog index.
May 18, 2008 6:04 PM
Plowmanators said…
There isn’t a post on it, there is only a poll. I am contemplating doing one, though there really isn’t much to say about it other than that it exists. 🙂
May 19, 2008 10:50 AM - Emily said…
I love your post on building character – especially the part about not living day by day which I feel I’ve sort of gotten into a rut of doing. Do you have tips for different stages? I know there is more I could be doing but just not sure what to do with a 7 month old.
August 22, 2008 3:13 PM
Plowmanators said…
Emily, I will think it over and dedicate a post to it.
August 28, 2008 10:04 AM - Christie said…
Great post, I am a first born and my husband is an only child, so these characteristics describe us well [see Birth Order: First Borns ]. I was wondering if you could possibly do a post in the future on behavior out in public, and tips you would have in places such as the grocery store and dining out…sometimes my little girl is so unpredictable in these places! thanks!
October 17, 2008 7:12 PM
Plowmanators said…
Christie, I will! I will add it to my list.
October 21, 2008 11:49 AM - Rachael said…
I am curious if you could give some of your tips for training you kids on how to act in a restaraunt. I have a 9 month old and i want to make sure that I am laying the foundation now for beavior expectations when he is older. Right now, he sits in the high chair until everyone is finished with their meal and only then can he get out and be held. (this is when we are with family). I don’t want to start something now that i will have to readdress later. If he is making loud noises at dinner, we put a finger to his mouth and say “No, sir”. Do you have any other helpful suggestions. This is something that is really important to me. we have several neices and nephews and their parents let them get down from their seats and roam around and I am just not cool with that.
November 15, 2008 8:02 PM
Plowmanators said…
Rachael, I will add it to my list of posts to do!
November 19, 2008 3:05 PM
- AquaNet said…
Hello Val,I really enjoy your blog on babywise. Thanks for taking time to share your experience.Incidentally, if you don’t mind sharing, how old are Brayden & Kaitlyn? It helps to relate your experiences knowing their respective ages.
January 16, 2008 8:52 PM
Plowmanators said…
Thanks! Brayden is two years and seven months (2.5 years.Kaitlyn is 9 months.I will try to remember in each post–especially since they are always getting older!
January 16, 2008 9:14 PM - Jennifer said… When did you allow Brayden and Kaitlyn to start feeding themselves…other than finger foods? When did you introduce the spoon? I know BW mentions to let them play with the spoon other than in the highchair. Just wondering what you did and when you started. Thanks!
April 30, 2008 5:57 AM
Plowmanators said… This is a great question, and a topic I am planning on posting on. I will do it this week 🙂
April 30, 2008 10:23 AM
Jennifer said… Thanks so much!!
April 30, 2008 10:51 AM
- MomsTheWord said… I am so glad to find your blog. (I linked over from I’m a Contact Mom with GFI and answer some of these questions quite often. Are you OK with me sharing the address to other moms?
January 26, 2008 7:12 PM
Plowmanators said… of course! That is just fine.
January 26, 2008 8:18 PM - Jessica said…
Me again- Still really enjoying your tips & enjoying sending links to my friends who are new at the BS stuff. I am the one w/ the question about a subscription to your blog. I am not sure how the Post Atoms thing works unless I use another site that keeps all my blogs in one place- which I’m not good at understanding. Anyhow, my blog has a subscription- it’s a family blog & sends an email to the subscribers when I post- so they just read it in their email, etc. I think you just sign up at some where like feedburner and then you have to copy the code into your blog. Maybe I’m being obnoxious- and I totally apologize; but I feel like your blog is such a huge service to people that I love getting all the tips & being reminded that they are there. My email is [email protected] and I live in Charleston, SC (and yes, get to go to church w/ the Ezzos!! Yeah!)
March 8, 2008 12:31 PM
Plowmanators said…
Jessica,I think it is a great idea. I will look into it and see what I can do. If not, I will happily do the email notification to anyone who wants it.
March 9, 2008 4:13 PM
- The Pinnt’s said…
I was wondering if you could do this poll again [When you moved to a four hour schedule]? Now that there are so many people who read your blog I’d love to see a larger poll. If you don’t want to do it twice though, I’d understand =)Great Blog BTW!
February 15, 2008 10:33 AM
Plowmanators said…
Thanks! I think that is a great idea. I have thought I should re-do polls now that there are more people to respond. It would offer more accurate results. The more responders, the more accurate the averages.
February 15, 2008 10:37 AM - aquanetor said…
Welcome Back! It’s good to read you blog again.It is interesting to know the poll results of “what age did baby drop 3rd nap?” My son dropped his 3rd nap between 4.5 & 5th month and I was a bit concerned how far it differed from Babywise’s benchmark of 8 months.Also, I wonder if you can help set up a poll of baby dropping their 2nd nap and down to 1 nap? My son seems to drop to one nap at 12mths and I have been trying to fix it up for 2 naps a day without success for the past month.
Unfortunately his one nap a day after lunch last only 1.5 hours usually. And if he does go down for his 1st nap for 2 hours (10:00-12:o0, he always refuses to take his 2nd nap at 3:30pm until bed time when I put him to sleep at 7pm. So I am somehow at a loss right now. I don’t mind him down to one nap a day but am wondering why his nap is not extended to more than 2 hours each nap. Look forward to your sharing.
April 23, 2008 1:55 AM
Plowmanators said…
Aquanetor,I will do that poll next week.It sounds to me like he isn’t truely ready to drop that nap. If he were, he should sleep at least as well as he did with the two naps. Many kids have a period of a week where they don’t sleep a long period, but the still sleep 1.5-2 hours. You want to drop the morning nap when you go down to one nap. You could shorten the morning nap to see if the afternoon nap goes better (but likely move the time of afternoon nap up). Once you go down to one nap a day, it will be around 1ish. Many find they need to move it even up to 11-12ish at first. It sounds like he is early in his nap-dropping schedule. BW says 14-22 months for dropping the morning nap, so if he is continuing his early pattern, it sounds like it would be on schedule. I would first try shortening the morning nap to see if that allows for an afternoon nap. Have you read through the dropping the morning nap post?
April 23, 2008 10:57 AM
aquanetor said…
Hi Val,Thanks for prompt and helpful advice!I will try shorten his morning nap first and see if he takes his afternoon nap.I re-read your post on dropping morning nap and found some helpful answers esp. the Q&A between Angela & you. It seems that I am now experiencing exactly what she went through with her 15-month old except mine is happening at 12 months.Thanks for agreeing to do a poll on that topic. Many many thanks to you!
April 24, 2008 12:34 AM - Christina said…
Have you done a poll on “waketime” before to see what the average time is between naps?
June 8, 2008 10:50 AM
Plowmanators said…
I haven’t, but that is a good idea. I think I will have to break the polls up into age groups since the waketime of a 3 month old is very different from a 9 month old. Thanks for the idea!
June 9, 2008 10:50 AM
- emily said…
Is there a way to see when new comments have been added?
March 31, 2008 10:43 AM
Plowmanators said…
Emily,When you post a comment, you can check the box to receive an email notification of all comments on that post, but there isn’t a way for you to see every comment that gets added other than looking through the site. As the blog owner, I get email notifications of each post that is put up (though that doesn’t always happen).You might be able to see all new comments if you sign up for RSS feeds, though.
April 1, 2008 11:03 AM - bethers21 said…
Val, is there a way to subscribe to each post or be notified of comments without posting a comment?
May 18, 2008 12:55 PM
Plowmanators said…
I am not sure. I think if you were to sign up for feeds from the site, you could do that. If you use Internet Explorer, you can click on the feed button (it is redish-orange with white curved lines and a white dot). Many email services will also allow you do to that (I know yahoo does).
May 19, 2008 10:42 AM
NOTE: You can now view new comments. Go to the Subscribe section on the left side of the page. Click on All Comments. A drop-down menu will appear. Choose the method you want to use to view comments. If you are on the home page (, you will view all comments for the entire blog. If you are on a particular post, you will view all comments for that post. - david, blair, and sadie beth said… Hi Valerie, I’m sure you are very busy, so this is not meant to be pushy AT ALL. I just wanted to let you that I posted a question under your “mini-fit” post a few days ago. I wasn’t sure if you had seen it or not. Hope you are doing well. Thanks for taking the time to do your blog. It is much appreciated!Blair
August 1, 2008 6:37 AM
Plowmanators said… Hi Blair, I am guessing you saw my response by now. If not, I responded. I think it was yesterday? The days are all a blur to me right now because I have a nasty cold.
August 3, 2008 4:15 PM - Brian and chelsea said… Why have all the previous comments been deleted?? I dont understand…. August 1, 2008 7:41 AM
Plowmanators said… Chelsea,To try to make a long story short…they are deleted because I am “cleaning up” the comments. I am moving all comments either into the bod of the post if applicable or into an all new post. Comments that are deleted here are going into a post that has not been published yet. Once they are, they will be viewable on the blog and I will delete them completely. Right now they are “half” deleted because I can still bring them back.Welcome to Babywise! August 3, 2008 4:27 PM - Lindsey and Nick’s mommy said…
I am not sure if I am doing this right. I have left a question on the last two days comments but I am not seeing any responses. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong. Sorry, I am a first timer. Thanks!
August 12, 2008 10:44 AM
Plowmanators said…
Lindsey and nicks mommy, you aren’t doing anything wrong; it typically takes me about 3 days before I get to a question that has been asked. The reason for this is the high volume of questions asked each day. Today I am not getting notified of new questions, so I just looked at new posts because there are always comments on them. I did answer you question on the first post you posted it.
August 12, 2008 2:35 PM - Lucie said…
Hi! I just wanted to let you know I posted a comment a few days ago under the blog label “CIO” and the post titled “when does it get better?”I can’t wait to hear your wise words of wisdom! You are a fantastic resource!Thanks,Lucie
September 20, 2008 6:34 AM
Plowmanators said…
Thanks Lucie! I am on my way!
September 22, 2008 1:52 PM - Chavela said…
I have left two comments under “Dropping the Dreamfeed” Am I doing something wrong? Can anyone read what I left? I would REALLY appreciate some help.Thanks, Chavela
November 8, 2008 6:00 PM
Plowmanators said…
Chavela, I answered it.
November 10, 2008 4:56 PM - Lindsay said…
I am new to this blog,…. well kinda i have been reading for three months now…anyway i left a comment somewhere on the 29th and I am not sure I left it in the right place??? I had a few questions about feeding and schedules.. THAnks
January 5, 2009 7:31 PM
Plowmanators said…
Lindsay, it should be answered by now. Has it been? If not, can you tell me where it is?
January 9, 2009 3:49 PM
I love your blog! I am soo glad I found it! I have a few questions and I will try to keep it short! My first son was a babywise baby from the day we brought him home…by the book still and he is 5! I now have a 3 month old and he was not quite as easy to get into a routine but we are close now. He has always eaten every 3 hours since about week 3 (except for his many growth spurts, we are now bottlefedding). Here is his “typical schedule” He wakes at around 7am and eats every 3 to 3.5 hours. plays for about 1.5 hours then naps. He takes about 5 to 6 bottles a day and his last is at 10:00 or 10:30 which I have to wake him for; usually I dreamfeed that bottle. But sometimes he does wake at 6:15 and wants to eat, i try to sooth him back but sometimes he is just hungry. THis throws our day off a little but he still sticks to the 3 hours schedule. Am I correct to feed? Sometimes I have to wake him at 7:30am to eat and this is the day that usually results in 5 bottles not 6 b/c his evening feeding would fall around 9pm but since he is sound asleep i will wake him at the 10:00pm to so he will sleep until 7am. I find that if he eats earlier then 10 he wakes up in the morning earlier and we are back to the same situation. AM I following correct babywise theory here?I would like for his waketime to be 7:30 or 8 but he has not slept that long yet….Also he gets restless in the middle of the night starting around 2am or 3am and since he is still in our room (b/c his room is upstairs and we just had a friend lose her 7mth old and I like knowing he is close right now)i can usually pat him back to sleep in a few seconds……is that normal for a baby to do? I should probably let him sooth himself? It is just that once he gets going on his crying he will continue….I don’t mind CIO but in the middle of the night just would keep me awake all night…..He does go down for naps and bed very easily so I am thankful for that. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you
I have a 7 month old sweet baby boy that has done great on the Babywise program. However, he still cries out in the night. Usually a few times a night for 5-10 minutes each. When will he stop doing this? He does this during naps too. We always let him CIO and he ends up going back to sleep, but it is disturbing to me. I always think something is wrong. Help!
I really love your blog! I have a 3 year old and for about 1 month now he is waking up at 3:30 and asking for something silly (like move his pillow or adjust his cover or turn a little light on or water) He has alway slept very well and I can’t figure out what to do. He will yell until someone answers him, then we go in and say go to sleep then he goes back to bed with no problems. We would like to sleep the whole night without him yelling to us.(like it used to be) Any suggestions?
I second John and Amanda’s request – our 6.5 month old has just started reaching for things that are a NO, but is too young to understand “no” – I know the time is coming for training and discipline, but would love to hear your thoughts on their question! Thanks for all you do! Happy New Year!The Wilsons
We have a couple issues but my main one is concerning obedience. Greyson is 15 months old and doesn’t talk yet. He babbles mostly. He is not a mimicker so its very hard to get him to learn sign language. He has finally learned a couple signs though. If we try to make him try a sign, he gets angry and starts swatting us away, he doesn’t like to be made to do anything else either. We knew from birth that he was a strong willed little boy and he still is. We have tried very hard to stay consistent with him about obedience and training but he has always tested us over and over. It seems like he just constantly goes right back to the things he isn’t supposed to be doing and he rarely listens when I tell him “thats a no Greyson.” I feel like I am constantly reprimanding him and putting him in Isolation or taking a toy away. He throws mini fits about most everything and I feel like we’re just constantly going around and around with this all day long. I am feeling like a bad parent now! I have honestly worked hard on this from the beginning, reading all the BW books and Growing Kids Gods Way series but my son is so strong willed it seems like its slow going compared to all the other BW moms. What do I do? Is there something I’m missing when it comes to disciplining him? We are very loving parents and both me and my husband are on the same page on everything, we have a wonderful marriage too. Thanks for your [email protected]
Lindsay,If he is hungry at 6:15 AM it is always correct to feed him. Hopefully he will move to your desired waketime, but know that some kids just don’t sleep that long.It is normal for a baby to wake several times in the night. There is a good chance he is waking because he is in the room with you and can hear you just as well as you hear him. He might not soothe himself knowing you are right there, so that decision is up to you. The AAP recommends sleeping in the same room until 6 months old because the parents will wake the baby up more often through the night and the theory is this will prevent the baby from SIDS. Since that is your desire, it sounds like you are doing the right thing for your situation. You can try CIO in the night, but he might not take it well due to you being so close. Good luck!
Lindsey and Nick’s mommy,I am not sure when it will stop. It sounds like he might be one of those who needs to cry to settle himself back down. There are kids like that and it isn’t a problem. I think most stop around 12ish months old, but some go on longer. If you are sure he isn’t in need of something (and since he goes back to sleep relatively quickly it sounds like he isn’t), then there really isn’t anything you can do. Hang in there!
Marci, Thanks!There are a few things I would do. The right answer will be dependent upon his personality, so you will have to judge based on him.One is remove as many possible excuses from him as possible. For example, since he is waking and asking for water, have water there for him. My 3.5 year old sleeps with water without any potty problems, but bear night peeing in mind. Once you have removed as many of his reasons for calling out to you as possible, explain to him that he doesn’t need to call to you in the night unless it is an emergency. You would then have to explain what is and isn’t an emergency. I would tell him he can adjust his pillow himself. Explain your expectations to him. Also, be sure he isn’t having bad dreams or isn’t nervous about something. It sounds like he might be wanting more attention from mom and dad. If so, consider any changes that have recently ocurred. New sibling, change in living quarters, parent changing job, etc. Be sure he gets the one-on-one time with each parent each day.Another solution to this situation I have heard of is being sure you have couch time. I know it sounds like the two aren’t related, but I have heard several parents attest to this being the solution to their child’s sudden night waking.
I am looking for more information on when/how to transition to align baby’s meals with the family. I saw someone else ask for this but the date showed jan 08 and i couldn’t find your response.Thanks
CO Mom, Here is the article:Teaching Your Baby “No”: have given me the idea that I need to link the articles that have been written on here. Thanks!
Wehrungs,When you teach him new signs, just show him with your hands rather than trying to make his hands do it. Consistency is key. I would check out the blog lable “discipline” and read through those posts for ideas. Also keep in mind “why vs. how.” Keep trying different things until you find what works. If you have to keep doing the same thing with no results, that that thing is not the right thing for him. See the blog lable “why vs. how” for more on that.
Hendersons, See this post:Solids: Aligning Meals with the Family:
Hello – so grateful to have found your blog, it is a godsend. My baby will be four months old next week. We are having a very hard time getting him to sleep for naps or through the night. At around 4 weeks he was doing ok, even sleeping for 4 hour stretches at night, and then one night he would awaken every hour or so. I was so tired I was slowly losing my motor skills, and one night at around 5 weeks we fell asleep together in bed, and have co-slept since then. I vowed I would never co-sleep – but have learned never say never as a new or expecting mom! We will be starting the Babywise method as soon as next week, although i am terrified of the crying and trying not to give credence to opponents opinions that say this the CIO will somehow negatively affect the baby at some point in his life. Anyway, my question deals with travel. We live in NYC (apt) and have a summer home that we travel to on the weekends (thurs – sun), until the end of Sept. We will be setting up a similar crib out there. I cannot function until the end of Sept like this, so my question is – is it possible to do the Babywise method in two cribs/two locations? Or do we skip a weekend and keep him in the same crib for 2 weeks? Would love your help! Also should we really remove a mobile from the crib? Thanks in advance and CONGRATS on your baby!!
Customer, you can definitely do BW in different beds/locations. It can be helpful to keep things super consistent initially so baby can really get in a good schedule and get used to things. But since baby is already used to the summer home, it might not be a problem. You could always try it the first weekend and see if you think you should skip the next one or not. Just try to keep things as consistent as possible while you are there. You might want to read Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child if you need an extra boost in confidence for sleep training. Also, see the blog label CIO. Good luck!
I remember you making a recent post about transitioning a toddler from crib to toddler/twin bed, however I can't seem to find it now. My question is…at what point do you add a pillow & sheet/blanket to the bed? Is this done when you switch them to toddler bed? My son rolls all over his crib all night long & I am afraid he will fall out of his toddler bed once the transition takes place. I know I can put pillows on the ground. I just thought maybe if I place him tucked in he might stay in the bed a little easier.
LaChelle, that is different for each child. Brayden was about 3ish when he got a pillow. Kaitlyn was about 2. McKenna was 11 months or so. I put a body pillow standing on its side in Kaitlyn's toddler bed with her. You can also try to get a toddler bed with side rails if you don't have one already.