Kaitlyn Preteen Summary: 11 Years Old

11 Year old preteen girl information. Schedule for 11 year old girl.

11 Year old preteen girl information. Schedule for 11 year old girl.

This is a summary for Kaitlyn from 10.75-11 years old.


Everything is continuing to go well. Every once in a while, Kaitlyn decides she is going to pound all of the vegetables in order to grow taller. HA! We had a bit of that going on.


Sleeping is great. She has been easier lately to get up in the morning than she has been in the past. I don’t think we have done anything specific to have impacted that. It might just be her getting more used to waking at that time…but that doesn’t make a lot of sense since we had the time change thrown in there to disrupt things. The time change was moving forward, so it is “earlier,” so that doesn’t seem like it should have helped.


Friends have been good. She has been able to navigate through some drama, but there are still times when people are not being nice and she doesn’t always dare say anything about it. It is a work in progress for her. She has great friends.


During this time, Kaitlyn did soccer, piano, and musical. The musical is such a fun experience for them. Kaitlyn was Sebastian in the Little Mermaid. She has a great talent for accents.


Preteen Kaitlyn is a lot of fun. We have not yet had any drama or issues. She still really looks up to both Nate and me and doesn’t fight us. We have some little bouts of attitude. For a period, she was getting upset by the hair-dos I was doing…which if you follow me on Instagram you might be as annoyed and shocked as I was. She just likes very whimsical, flowy, and basically bridal hair-dos. But they also need to work for playing sports. Aaanndd they take a lot of time to create. We just rarely have a lot of time in the morning.

Plus, you get what you get and don’t get upset.

But of course, your look is presenting who you are. So I get her caring. I wasn’t okay with the attitude of ungratitude. Fortunately, Nate is really good at talking to this age group. I think it is also very helpful for a third party to step in and explain what is happening and why it isn’t okay. He was able to help Kaitlyn realize she was being unkind and ungrateful. She has been fantastic about it ever since.


During the school year, I keep chores more minimal. The consistent regular chores that each child is responsible for are less in the school year than in the summer. They need to help with laundry each week. Kaitlyn helps sort, folds one load of laundry, and helps fold sock. She also is in charge of putting her own laundry away. On the weekend, Kaitlyn is in charge of cleaning her room. She dusts, vacuums, organizes, etc. She also cleans one bathroom and her guinea pig cage. She is also expected to clean up after herself. So the bulk of chores is done on the weekend.


Kaitlyn has very little homework. She is able to get everything done at school and rarely needs to do work at home.


School schedule:
7:00 AM–Wake up, get ready for school. Practice piano.
9:00 AM–At school
4:00 PM–Home. Homework if needed. Chores. Free play.
5:00 PM–Dinner. Then family time
8:00 PM–In bed. She is allowed to read books for a bit before going to sleep. I am able to trust her to decide how long to read.

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