Unique Variables that Will Shape Your Pretoddler

Every child is unique and needs to be treated as an individual, even children who grow up in the same home. Read about these unique variables.

Pretoddler walking down the stairs

The first chapter in On Becoming Pre-Toddlerwise talks about different factors that will influence the evolvement of your child. Ezzo, author of Preparation for Parenting (and co-author of Babywise) makes a very important point:

“your pretoddler is different than all others”.

(page 18)

Your child will have many unique variables that work together to form an experience no other child experiences.

“The differences in each family will not allow for cookie-cutter solutions”.

(page 18)

Unique Variables in Your Pretoddler’s Life

What are some examples of differing variables?

  • Experience of parents
  • Number of children in the family
  • Health of mom (Pregnant? Low thyroid? Etc.)
  • Health of dad
  • Working status of mom
  • Help and involvement from family members
  • Activities the child and family are involved in
  • Moves
  • New sibling
  • etc.

There are so many unique variables that make up your unique family dynamic.

Unique Variables that will shape your child pinnable image

Understanding Your “Why”

What does this all mean to you? It means that you, the parent, must become adept at understanding “Why” behind principles you believe in.

You can’t constantly be searching for the “How” answer in what to do with your child because no one else has had that same situation with your same variables.

That isn’t to say you shouldn’t turn to other moms, books, and blogs for ideas.

It does mean, however, that in the end, you need to make sure you are making the call, and you need to make sure that you understand why you are doing what you are doing, as well as your beliefs, goals, and values are.

“Principles and goals do not change, but applications will be adjusted to meet the unique needs of our family”.

(page 19)

In other words, “why” comes before “how.”


If you haven’t done so, please take the time to read the posts Why vs. How, Beliefs and Goals, and How To Solve Your Parenting Problems.

Things Not Working? Change Your Strategy is a good one, too.

Adjusting For Context and Why You Need to Be Able to Problem Solve as a Parent will also help you learn to problem solve and make decisions for your unique child.

I am keeping today’s post nice and short so you can have some extra time to read at least one of these. Okay, go read.


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