McKenna Teen Summary: 15.5 Years Old

Daily life and schedule for a 15.5 year old teen girl. Learn about common concerns that come up with the teenage group. This covers 15.25 years old through 15.5 years old. Read about high school soccer, breaking bones, and starting Sophomore year.

McKenna posing for a photo. She is outside sitting on a rock

This is a summary for McKenna from 15.25 years old to 15.5 years old.


Sleep is all good! Everything is the same here. She loves to sleep and is good at it.


Summer wrapped up during this time. We had a couple of little family trips for reunions. She played in a soccer tournament with her club team and took first place. We had camp with the young women group in our church. She played a lot of soccer.


School started during this time period. School has been good with no major events. She is a Sophomore this year. At our school, Freshman are in the high school. She is enjoying not being the youngest in the school. She has had lots of fun with the activities and going to sporting events.

There has been some drama with a couple of friends this year. McKenna has handled it all very well and is an incredibly forgiving person. She really is a great example of kindness and forgiveness.

McKenna isn’t old enough to date yet, so for Homecoming, she had a bunch of girlfriends come over. They had dinner and then went to the dance stag. They had a lot of fun! Honestly the way dances are now, it is really easy to go stag and not a ton different from going with a date.


Piano is good, but as you will see (spoiler), she broke her hand during this time. So she has been playing the piano with just one hand for a while.


Soccer has been good! As I said, her club team took first place in a soccer tournament. That was exciting. She made the high school soccer team as the goalie for the JV team.

During a game, she broke her hand. She had a one v. one with a player and her foot got wrapped up in McKenna’s hand and broke her hand. She was out for 3 weeks with that, but was able to go back and finish the season.

The regular season games have ended. She is the backup goalie for varsity, so she will still be engaged with practicing and going to the games, but she is done playing for high school for the year. The soccer team took first place in region, so it will be fun to see how they do in the playoffs.


McKenna broke her hand at the beginning of a game and played the entire first half. At halftime she shared that her hand hurt and came out. The athletic trainer at her school said it wasn’t broken because she could tolerate him pushing on it too much.

But XRays showed it was broken. In the end, the little piece that broke off did not reattach, so she was able to play again earlier than expected. It wasn’t healing anyway so as long as she could tolerate the pain, she could play.


Earlier this year, McKenna complained of a weird smell in her room. We checked it out and saw that her window was leaking water. We ordered a new window. When my husband went to change the window out, he saw the window hadn’t even been sealed when installed.

McKenna slept in Brayden’s room (who is living in Africa) for about a month while Nate changed her window out and ripped out an entire wall of sheetrock and insulation. He cleaned it all out and put in new insulation, then cleaned her carpet well. It is time to change out the carpet in the next year, so that will be coming. So she has a big update, but it doesn’t really looked different visually other than the window trim.


Here is a typical day in the summer

7:00 AM-Get up and get ready for soccer
7:40 AM-Leave for soccer and workouts
9:30-11:00 AM-Get home (time varies based on what is being done at soccer)
Chores, lunch, free time, time with friends
5:00 PM-Dinner. Free time, family time, time with friends
11:00 PM-In Bed (exact time varies)

Here is a typical day in school

6:45 AM – Get up and get ready
7:30 AM – Go to school
4:30 PM – Get home from school (soccer practice days–game days earlier)
Evening activities include dinner, piano, chores, activities, and/or soccer games
10:30 PM – In bed


15.5 year old teen schedule and routine

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