2 thoughts on “Babywise Success Stories Week 2011”

  1. Val,I just wanted to say thank you for posting such wonderful success stories. I LOVE reading them. And I just wanted to share with you the positive feelings I've had from reading each one. Last night I read all of them and it reminded me why I do Babywise. I live in Eugene, OR, a liberal, hippy town. I am the only one in my circle of friends who follows a routine. Every single friend of mine has done attachment parenting. I don't talk about Babywise with anyone because I can feel the negative vibes. As a result, as of late, I've felt very alone as a Babywise mother. To paint a picture, not long ago my son and I went swimming with my friends and their toddlers. (My son is 21 mo.) After swimming was done (11:30) all my friends wanted to go out to lunch. I told them it was time for my son's nap and that I needed to go home. I tried to explain it would be a not so nice lunchtime with a way overtired toddler. As I drove home I knew that they were all talking about me and my routine. I could tell they felt sorry for me. It's funny how I get the "oh, here we go again with the routine" vibe when I have to sit there with my mouth shut when I see a 2 year tearing at her mother's shirt to breastfeed on demand or when I see my friend's toddlers unable to sit still during story time at the library. I really just want to brag that my son has been STTN for 17 months while I listen to my attachment parenting friends tell me they've been up since 3 a.m. And sure, their toddlers can go out to lunch from noon to 2 but that's because they got up in the morning at 9 or 10 because they went to bed at 11 or midnight. Anyway, I guess I'm writing this to just say that the success stories this week have really lifted my spirits and have made me feel not so lonely. I am and always will be glad that I am a Babywise Mom. I just have to remind myself that I'm not alone and the benefits of having a well rested, smart, and well behaved son are far greater than being teased for my routine.


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