This is a summary for Brinley now that she is five years old. This covers the last two months of her being 4, from 4 years, 10 months old to 5 years old.
Sleep has been great. With it being summer, she has had a lot of late nights. Luckily, Brinley is one who will sleep in the next day if she was up late. That is a rare trait, and I am fully grateful that my youngest child turned out that way. It makes it possible for us to do things as a family that would be harder if she was like 90% of children out there and woke at the same time or earlier after being up late.
We have traveled several time so far this summer. We have camped a couple of times and have stayed in a vacation home another time. In the vacation home, she was in her own little private space. The bedroom Nate and I were in had a big closet that then had a secret space that went under the stairs. So she was like Harry Potter and slept under the stairs. She loved it.
The first time we went camping, we were up until almost midnight (I know! ACK!). We all were in a tent trailer together (we finally abandoned the tent thing this summer). The three girls were all in one bed. She tried to get them to talk with her when they went to bed at midnight. We shut that down quickly and she went to sleep.
The next time was our recent trip to Wyoming. She was in a camper with all of the cousins the first night. She was allowed to get out of bed to use the bathroom, so she went to the bathroom about once every minute for the first 30-45 minutes while everyone was trying to sleep. The next night, we moved her into the tent trailer with Nate and me where she went to bed before we did. She slept well in there.
We have not done a lot of rest time this summer. I am not sure what we will do when school starts this year. She will be in Kindergarten, but it is only half day.
Eating has been great and no issues. Summer is a great time with all of the fresh fruits and veggies going on!
Brinley only did swimming lessons this summer. She started off seeming rough. One week, I was thinking she might not ever get over the hump, but the next week she was swimming like crazy and jumping in the pool from the side. Then she begged to go to swimming lessons every day for a while.
Early this summer, we got kittens. They have been a lot of fun. They have also been a fantastic thing to get for a four year old girl and for summer entertainment. She loves going and playing with the kittens. Any time she is bored or needing something to do for a bit, I send her to the kittens.
I mentioned that we have gone on some vacations this summer. We have been camping at a lake (Bear Lake). We have been to Yellowstone National Park. We have also been camping in Star Valley, Wyoming. These have all been very four-year-old friendly.
Brinley loves: (affiliate links ahead) Legos and Beanie Boo stuffed animals. She loves all books. Fancy Nancy would be her favorite if we had to choose one. Her favorite game is Sleeping Queens. Her favorite movies are Moana and SING.
This is her summer schedule.
8:30: Wake up. Eat breakfast. Get ready.
9:00: Chore time
9:30: Outside time
10:00: This time chunk is often spent with siblings and independent playtime
12:00: Lunch
1:00: SSR
1:30: Free time.
5:00: Dinner. Then free time
6:30: Outside time
8:30: In bed