Going With the Flow

Before my son, Josiah, was born, my pastor’s wife encouraged me to read On Becoming Babywise. I read it cover to cover and loved it. Being a “schedule” person myself I really saw the benefits to having my son on a schedule that we all could live by. I did have to tweak it here and there but overall I had him on a great schedule that still is implemented today!

When I became pregnant with my daughter I decided to refresh my memory and read On Becoming Babywise again. I had everything planned and I was excited to use the methods again. However, Aubrey proved to be completely opposite of her brother. She was extremely fussy and hardly slept. I had a horrible time nursing and felt completely overwhelmed.We found out that when she was 1 month old that she suffered from horrible reflux. I had to rethink my whole approach. I began see how I could only work on one aspect at a time. I first started with nursing. As soon as I figured out how to make that successful then I moved on to getting her to sleep longer. It wasn’t until she was 6 months old that I was able to really put her on a complete schedule.

Aubrey is now a happy, well fed, well rested, 8 month old. She is able to go to sleep on her own in her bedroom she shares with her brother. I can honestly say Babywise worked for us. I did have to learn to go with the flow. Consistency is key, even if you have a high maintenance baby. I encourage every new mommy to read On Becoming Babywise!



6 thoughts on “Going With the Flow”

  1. Sarah- When did your kids start sharing a room? At what age/ages? Our older will be 19 months when baby arrives. We've been planning to have them share a room (Not really another option) but don't know how that will work! Any help you have would be great.

  2. Katie,I was VERY nervous about having two babies in the same room (mine are 15 months apart). It was a slow process. I kept a pack n play up in our room so I had a place to put Aubrey when she had a rough night. At first, I would put her down in the pack n play in our room because her brother talks before he goes to bed and it would keep her up. Then after the first feeding I would put her in the crib. Some nights were smooth and she did great, others were challenging. I didn’t do a ton of cio, but when I did let her cry Josiah slept right through it. My overall advice, make it a transition. Aubrey now sleeps completely in her crib and does great. You can do it! Good luck!Sarah

  3. Thank you for sharing, Sarah. I needed the encouragement right now! I have a very similar situation.y daughters are fifteen months apart. My first had reflux but was a good sleeper once we got the reflux under control. She's been on a great schedule since she was three months old. My second also has reflux but is a naturally bad sleeper so far and a much fussier baby. We just finished another day of no sleep! But it's encouraging to look to the future and know it will get better. She's just two months old now. And the advice on room sharing is great too as mine will be sharing as soon as she's out of the bassinet!

  4. Thank you for sharing, Sarah. I needed the encouragement right now! I have a very similar situation.y daughters are fifteen months apart. My first had reflux but was a good sleeper once we got the reflux under control. She's been on a great schedule since she was three months old. My second also has reflux but is a naturally bad sleeper so far and a much fussier baby. We just finished another day of no sleep! But it's encouraging to look to the future and know it will get better. She's just two months old now. And the advice on room sharing is great too as mine will be sharing as soon as she's out of the bassinet!

  5. Thanks for sharing. We had a very similar experience. Baby #1 was a textbook babywise baby from day 1 and sleeping through the night by 8 weeks. She's now 3 and still sleeps great. Baby #2 had terrible reflux from day 1 and she really struggled with sleeping until we got her reflux meds and food sensitivities (I had to do a total elimination diet) figured out. We never let her CIO due to the reflux, and it tool until 15 weeks to get her sleeping through the night but she is now a 8 months and doing great! It's amazing how differently we had to do things with each of our girls but both are doing great! Glad to hear your little one is doing well!

  6. I've read so much positive reviews about this book and it gives me such interest to read it too. Aside from the help that I get from the mom groups in NYC, I would be needing baby books to help me further.


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