How I Do It: My Schedule

A sample daily schedule of a busy mom of three children. Get a sample daily schedule to follow to be productive as a mom.

creating a daily schedule

A reader asked that I share my daily schedule in this series.

Right now, my daily schedule can vary quite a bit from day to day due to school, preschool, dance, and piano lessons. Here is a common day.

First, I will direct you to these two posts that give an over-arching insight to how I get stuff done:

Basic Daily Routine

These times are approximate.

6:00 AM: Wake up and exercise
6:40-7:00 AM: Scripture Study
7:30 AM: Shower/get ready
8:00 AM: Get kids ready for the day. Clean up breakfast. We then do our learning poster part of learning time and sometimes the learning activity also.
10:00 AM: Daily chore. This is usually sprinkled in with the two hours before this in getting kids ready for the day, also.
10:30 AM: Chores/blogging/crafts/etc.
12:00 PM: Lunch. Then clean up lunch.
1:00 PM: Learning activity if it hasn’t been done yet. If so, random chores or play with girls.
1:30 PM: Put girls in nap and rest time. Then time for hobbies or cleaning. Or theoretically relaxing 🙂 I also do SSR with Kaitlyn in this block and homework with Brayden.
4-4:30 PM: Start dinner (unless we are doing something that had to be started earlier).
5:30 PM: Dinner time. Clean up dinner and chores, then family time.
7-7:30 PM: Start getting kids ready for bed.
8-8:30 PM: Kids in bed. Then “chillax” with my husband.

For further details, see:

Let me know if you have any questions! And share your own basic schedules of how you do it. 

5 thoughts on “How I Do It: My Schedule”

  1. Thanks! I was just wondering about your basic schedule again. 🙂 Is the 10:30 block when your at home children are in RT? We've been going back and forth a little between RT first or learning time first. I think I like RT first, if I can get us moving fast enough. Our "goal" schedule that we aim for is this: (though I feel like there are always variations on this!)6:45 up, shower, dress7:15 make breakfast7:30 eat with daddy7:45 prayers and bye to daddy8:00 finish up breakfast, get ready for the day8:30 independent play9:30 circle time (we do scriptures, bible verses, reading, letters/numbers, singing)on the couch, then activities in the room or at the table (sometimes the two parts are broken by RT in the middle10:45/11 free play (inside or out)12 lunch12:45 tuck in 22 month old1-1:30 is extra table activities (puzzles, etc.) with 3.75 year old1:30 tuck in 3.75 year old4 up from naps/snack4-6 is lots of free play, blanket time, sometimes table time if we were out in the AM, occasionally a video and also quiet reading time. the order varies some.6 tidy before daddy gets home, finish dinner prep.6:30 dinner7:15 bedtime routine8 lights outMy challenge with this schedule is getting in my chores and getting up on time so that I can get my shower before the kids get up; I hate spending RT getting ready (like today :). I also have trouble always getting in my personal devotions. Need to get on the ball before I add a 3rd child!!

  2. Thanks, Valerie! Ours is pretty similar, I think, only with two children rather than three. I was wondering when you do errands. What type of activity gets cut when you need to do errands, if any?

  3. Kristy, Right now, we run errands in the morning hours so independent play gets cut, which I do not like. I am fine with it one day a week, but we are often 2-3 and I don't love that situation. When I had babies, I ran errands in the evening and so only baby's short evening nap would be compromised, but now I hate to spend our evenings doing errands rather than family time. So it is what it is and we work with it. I think it would be better for McKenna to miss only 1-2 independent playtimes a week instead of several. Our church is moving times next week, though, so that will make it so Sunday she can get it in. That will be good. I just thought of that.

  4. Thanks, Valerie. I know what you mean about missing IP several times a week. It seems to go more smoothly at our house the more regular it is. Glad to hear you'll get at least one more time in when the church times change.


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