This is a summary for Kaitlyn from 10 years to 10.25 years old. Kaitlyn is an easy child. She was an angel baby and so far has continued to be an angel personality type as she has gotten older.
I often talk about how Kaitlyn is my “picky” eater. I don’t know if it is fair to call her picky because I think most of what seems picky is her response to having reflux–certain foods bring her pain and she doesn’t like them. She does have issues with textures, too, though.
Kaitlyn continued her growth spurt, and it seemed to only increase. But that makes for basically about 6 months of ‘growth spurt’, so maybe it isn’t that so much as as increased appetite because she is getting closer to teenager. The crazy thing to me is that Kaitlyn is going into fifth grade, and in fifth grade, I got to be the height I am and stopped growing. I don’t think Kaitlyn will get and stay her final height, though. She could, but that isn’t my guess.
Sleeping is great. Kaitlyn is a great sleeper.
School ended well. She is looking forward to school starting up again. One of her favorite things about school is her friends.
During this time, Kaitlyn had piano, soccer, and swimming. She has passed off all of her swimming levels, but during the summer, our teacher ran her through workouts during lessons. I want my kids to stay up on their swimming skills. I also want swim team to remain a possible option at all times, so I want the skills to stay strong. Swimming around just for fun won’t necessarily do that.
Kaitlyn loves soccer. A lot. Her soccer team took first place in a soccer tournament this summer, which was super exciting for them!
Kaitlyn did a short dance camp this summer to keep her dance skills up-ish. With her having an interest in theater, she needs to be able to dance.
She also did a rock climbing camp. That was her very favorite camp she has ever done. She was nervous because she hadn’t been rock climbing before. She was doing it with McKenna, who is a really good rock climber. She admitted she worried she would be embarrassed about her little sister being better than she. But she worked through that emotion and accepted it would just be true. A great quality Kaitlyn has is perseverance. She is always willing to work to get good at something. She worked! And she improved immensely and now she loves to rock climb.
Here is her summer schedule:
Wake up, eat breakfast, get ready.
Outside time.
Chore time.
12:00 lunch
Free time.
5:00 dinner. Then time with family.
8:30 in bed
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- Brayden Preteen Summary: 10.25 Years Old
- Kaitlyn PreTeen Summary {10 Years Old!}
- Kaitlyn Summary: 10.25 Years Old
- McKenna Preteen Summary: 10.25 Years Old