This is a summary for McKenna from 8.25-8.5 years old.

McKenna eats well. She eats a large volume of food and always has. She is also high 90s in percentile or off the charts for height at all times, and I would imagine she has needed to eat more because she has thus far grown faster than children typically do.
McKenna sleeps well. She has high sleep needs.
Half of this period was summer and half was school. School is going well. She loves her teacher and things are going well.
Summer was great. A great thing about summer for McKenna is she can definitely get the sleep she needs. She can sleep in if needed and stays well-rested.
She enjoyed our trip to New York City. She didn’t mind the crowds at all.
During the summer, McKenna was involved in competitive soccer practices. As school started, games started up. Her team is doing quite well so far. She is taking piano lessons again. A new thing she is doing this year is a musical theater class, so they are learning singing, dance, and acting. She is really enjoying that!
FAVORITES (this section contains affiliate links)
McKenna’s favorite book series right now is Wings of Fire. She is also really enjoying Matilda
. She loves beanie boos
and rollerblading
Here is her school schedule
6:45–wake up and run (prepping for a mile run for school)
shower/get ready/eat/practice piano/scriptures/prayers
activities/family time/dinner
7:00–start getting ready for bed
8 or 8:30–in bed
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