I have finally done it. I have finally created a real email list! I have hesitated about it over time. Who wants another email to read? Who even reads emails anymore unless they have to for work? As I visited with people about this, the point was made that email is something that just doesn’t change randomly. I love connecting on social media, but those platforms are constantly changing if and how you see my stuff. With an email, it is a way I can contact you and you can contact me and no algorithm is going to come along and change that.
So I started it. But I want it to be valuable. I don’t want it there just because. So I have done some brainstorming and come up with some ways to make it worth your space. Here is the thing…I personally have close to 100,000 unread emails in my combined inboxes. The official number right now is 97,002. Yep. I know what it is like to be bombarded with emails, so I want them to be of value if you are trusting me with your inbox.
So this is what you can expect from my emails.
- They will be once a week unless there is some huge need to be announced or shared before the weekly email. In the future, I might start other email lists that are specific to certain needs, and who knows where that will go, but this list for this blog will be once a week.
- They will give a look ahead to what you can expect to see on the blog for the upcoming week.
- They will review what happened over the last week so you are sure you don’t miss anything you really need to read.
- Oldies will be shared. I have been blogging since November of 2007. I have posted 5-6 times per week most weeks since then. That is a whole lot of content for you to sift through. I will be sure to highlight old must-reads as well as things relevant to the season (for example, as we approach back to school time, I will be sure you see the posts helpful to that).
- Life and blog details will be given. Emails are more intimate. I will bounce ideas off of you and also share life events and stories I wouldn’t necessarily broadcast to the entire world. I will also share news with you before it gets announced to the world.
I would love to have you join the list! To sign up, fill out the following. All you have to include is your email address. If you want me knowing your name, add that.
Sign up today and get a free copy of my Sleep Totals by age sheet! This sheet walks you through how much sleep your child should get, from baby on up through teen.