Scheduling Homework Time/Piano Practice Time…
Get tips for when to have your kids do homework each day and when to have them practice instruments, sports, or other activities. When Brayden and Kaitlyn were both young …
Get tips for when to have your kids do homework each day and when to have them practice instruments, sports, or other activities. When Brayden and Kaitlyn were both young …
A list of chores for 5-8 year olds. Know what is age-appropriate for your kids in this elementary school age range. Here are our ideas for what we think our …
Is homeschooling the best education choice for your child? What are the benefits and potential downsides of homeschooling? This is a guest post from Raegan (you know–the Chronic 45 Minute Naps and Chronic …
Is public school the best education choice for your child? What are the benefits of attending public school? What are the downsides of public school? My children attend our local …
Find out why you should wait to correct your child after school rather than before school. Keep things light and happy before your kiddo heads out for the day. A …
5.5 year old life and daily schedule. Learn about this child’s daily schedule and how to handle things that come up with five year olds. This is a summary for …
5.25 year old life and daily schedule. Learn about this child’s daily schedule and how to handle things that come up with five year olds. This summary covers the first …