Operation Smile {Let’s Give Back!}
I am surprised by how insecure children get about their smiles when they start losing teeth and get those big adult teeth in. If a child gets insecure by that, …
I am surprised by how insecure children get about their smiles when they start losing teeth and get those big adult teeth in. If a child gets insecure by that, …
Little Dresses for Africa (Let’s Giveaway!): https://www.babywisemom.com/2010/05/little-dresses-for-africa-lets-giveaway.html Let’s Give Back: Christmas Giving Operation Smile {Let’s Give Back!} Toys for Tots {Giveback!}
Each year around this time, I like to highlight a charity that we can get involved with at Christmas time. This post has several ideas from me and readers on …
8 Ways to Give Back at Christmas. Focus on more than getting or even more than buying gifts for loved ones; find ways to spread the Christmas spirit to those …
A few weeks ago, a woman at my church announced she wanted us to make little pillowcase dresses to send to Africa. I sew, so that week I took an …