How to Create a Home Fire Escape Plan
How to Create a Home Fire Escape Plan and fire safety for children No one wants to think about the worst happening. We often push off planning for disasters because …
Get prepared for emergencies. Emergencies come in all sorts of ways, not just natural disasters. Get ideas for gardening, food storage, 72 hour kits, and basic self-reliance.
How to Create a Home Fire Escape Plan and fire safety for children No one wants to think about the worst happening. We often push off planning for disasters because …
I have no doubt that with all of the natural disasters that have hit recently that you have your family’s emergency preparedness status on your mind. As you sit down …
Without fail, the moment a child is required to sit still for a few minutes or more, the child will become thirsty. Not just thirsty. Parched. The child is suddenly …
In the event of a disaster, you can possibly face a three day (72 hour) wait time between the disaster and aid reaching your area. Being prepared to face that …
Getting prepared for an emergency can be daunting. It isn’t quick and it isn’t cheap. When you consider the likelihood of needing to use these things you store, it can …
Free printable to help you keep track of what to pack in your 72 hour kit PLUS another free printable to put in your kits to help keep everyone safe. …
It is the time of year when I like to evaluate my emergency prepardness items and make small, manageable goals for the next six months. My husband and I recently …