McKenna Preschooler Summary: 3.5 Years Old

A full summary of life for this 3.5 year old. Find out what daily life was like and find a 3-year-old preschooler schedule to follow.

3.5 year old McKenna

This is a summary for McKenna. She is now 3.5.


McKenna is eating very well. She is loving life right now with all of the amazing fruits in season. She was a peach machine for a while, eating peach after peach. Now we are onto pears and apples. I love this time of year.


Night sleep is great. She is getting great sleep at night. I am so glad we moved Kaitlyn out of the room–and that we had the option. 

I still haven’t found the ideal time for nap to start. I just go for 2-2:30 PM. In all honesty, I haven’t been too worried. I put her down when it is convenient for me and don’t worry about it. I like her to be able to stay up to about two so she can have a chance to play with Kaitlyn before her nap. 

She is to the age when most kids aren’t napping every day, but she still is at the moment. 

>>>Read: When Do Kids Stop Napping? And What To Do Instead


All playtime activities are normal.


Brayden and Kaitlyn are now in school each day. Brayden is full day and Kaitlyn is half day. This leaves us with lots of time together. We easily fill it with chores, independent playtime, reading books, and learning activities. McKenna loves learning time.


She has been quite good this month. She still has her testing. Her current trend is when you tell her to do something, her first response is, “No, I…” followed by an explanation as to why what you said is not correct. That is something we are working on.


McKenna is in heaven. In heaven. She has finally started dance lessons. She has been waiting for this day for two years–ever since Kaitlyn started.

McKenna is a major entertainer, so she is loving dancing. She also had tumbling right before dance. As a three year old, Kaitlyn could not have handled 30 minutes of tumbling followed by an hour of dance class. It would have made her too tired. So she just did dance.

McKenna, however, does both and seems to get more energy by the end. My mom (a horse person) says she is like an Arabian horse. You can’t tire our Arabians. They just build muscle tone so they can do more. That is McKenna. You can’t tire her out.


McKenna very much is against being called a little girl. She is a big girl. Especially now that there is a baby in the house. I worried McKenna would be upset giving up the “baby of the family” seat, but she is not at all. She is a BIG girl.

McKenna is often saying, “I wish I …” Like, “I wish I was bigger so I could go to piano lessons like Brayden and Kaitlyn.” She wants to do everything they do.


McKenna is still loving her baby sister. Every time she sees Brinley, she melts. She turns her head to the side and says, “Awwww! Cuuute! Brinley!” and then grabs and kisses in any way she can.


Swimming lessons are still going well and she is still making improvements. 


McKenna started a playgroup this month. We do it once a week and rotate with several other moms. Oh how she loves playgroup! She loves playing with all of her friends. 

>>>Read: How to Organize a Playgroup


7:30–Wake up and eat breakfast. She then can play with siblings. 
8:00–Get ready and chores
10:00–Learning Poster and read stories
10:30–Independent Play
11:30–Free play with siblings
1:00–Learning activity and free play with sibling if time
4:00 or 4:30–Get up–TV Time 
6:00–Family Activities
7:30–Get ready for bed



3.5 year old McKenna pinnable image