Get sample schedules for 3 kids or more. Figure out how to juggle a daily routine among all of your children.

These schedules should show how you worked your schedule each day with all of your children. This will show you how the schedules work together with more than one child.
Sample Schedules for Several Children
These are schedules used by readers of this blog. If you would like to see how we worked the daily schedule and routine for our three kids, see this post: How to Set Up a Daily Schedule for Three Kids
Melody said…
Well this is my usual attempt, and it seems to be working. I have three children: Daniel (D)is almost 4, Madelyn (M)is almost 3 and Oliver (O)is 11 months. I have been “doing” Babywise since my first was 5 months old.
Having a schedule like that presented in Preschoolwise is a true lifesaver for me. So here it goes:
6:30 I try to get up, feed our horses and get myself ready for the day
7:30 everyone up – D & M get themselves dressed and have free play while I get O changed and ready.
8:00 breakfast (sometimes with Papa)
8:30 I clean up, start laundry, O plays in his highchair, D and M have separate structured playtime
9:00 Errands out and about, or outside time in the garden, sandbox, etc.
10:00 O naps
11:30 lunch
12:00 clean up, O free play, D & M structured play time together
12:30 free playtime with cousins or outside time in the garden, sandbox, etc.
2:00 nap time, Mom gets stuff done
4:00 D & M video time, O jumps in bouncer
5:00 I make dinner, D & M have arts & craft time at table, O has structured playtime in pack n play
6:00 dinner with Papa
6:45 Papa and I switch off between bath time with kids and dinner clean up
7:15 PJs and then reading with Papa or I
8:00 Bed for the kids, we take care of our horses and chickens and then have quiet time ourselves
About The Griffin Chronicles said…
3 kids- Morgan (M) 4.5 yrs, Emma (E) 3 yrs, Viola (V) almost 7 months:
8:00 breakfast (bottle + solids for V), get dressed, M & E free play, V in exersaucer or on blanket w/ toy
9:15 M & E roomtime, V playpen time (20-25 min)
10:00 V nap, “School” time with older kids
10:45 video for M & E
11:30 outside time fro M & E
12:00 V gets up (bottle + solids), everyone has lunch. Daddy is home so we do couch time after lunch. Then the kids usually have some playtime w/ Dad. After that, puzzle time and free play time together.
2:00 everyone down for a nap/rest
3:15 M gets up from his rest, plays games for 20-30 min
4:00 E gets up, snack time
4:30 V gets up (sometimes she is up at 4), bottle + solids; older kids usually do an activity- play doh, coloring, painting, etc
5:00 V has a 2nd playpen time; older kids go outside
5:30ish dinner, reading together at the table, clean up, family time
6:15-7:00 V (7 months) still has a 30-45 catnap about
7:00 begin picking up toys and getting ready for bed
7:30 V has her last bottle
8:00 everyone goes down for the night.
Penny said…
6yo boy, 3.5yo girl, 18month boy.
7ish: everyone up for breakfast
7.30: 3.5yo toilet, 6yo chores (teeth, get dressed, wash breakfast dishes), 18month old potty, mom supervises
7.45: mom & 3.5yo bathroom, then 3.5yo gets dressed then roomtime
8: 6yo roomtime, mom dresses 18mo then roomtime
8.20: mom gets dressed
8.30ish: mom preps lunch, plans day with dad
9ish:sibling play outside
10ish: morning tea
10.15ish: 6yo & 3.5yo table activity (playdough etc), 18mo highchair activity, mom hangs laundry
10.30: 18mo free play, mom preps lunch
10.45: 3.5yo & 6yo roomtime, 18mo free play, mom plays with 18mo (1-on-1 time)
11.30: lunch
12.00: 18mo highchair activity, 3.5yo chores (empty dishwasher), mom cleanup, 6yo free play
12.15: 18mo nap, mom plays with 3.5yo (1-on-1 time), 6yo free play
12.45: 3.5yo nap, mom plays with 6yo (1-on-1 time)
1.15pm – 3.15pm: MOM RESTS!!!! (devotions, email, reading), 6yo rests until 2.15 then free play
3.30: everyone up for afternoon tea
3.45ish – 5: sibling play outside, mom housework, laundry and/or couch time with dad depending on when dad gets in
5: 3.5yo bath
5.15: 6yo pack up outside, 18mo free play (will re-introduce playpen time here), mom last-minute dinner prep & supervise homework
5.30: 6yo bath, 3.5yo chores (set table or pack up toys)
5.45: 18mo bath, others tv time
6pm: everyone for dinner
6.30: teeth, potty, then quiet time; dad dinner cleanup, mom supervise children
6.45: 18mo bed, others quiet reading time followed by evening devotions with mom & dad
7ish: 3.5yo bed, 6yo reading in bed
7.15: 6yo lights out & sleep
7.45ish: dinner cleanup finished, mom & dad FREE TIME!!!!
Angelle said…
3 kids- Leah (L) 5yrs, Erin (E) 3yrs, Adam (A) 8.5 months
during the summer
6:30 A wake and bottle
7 L & E wake and TV time (20 min)
7:30 breakfast for all, chores, get ready for day
8:30 A nap, free play
9 L & E craft/activity with mom
10 L & E sibling playtime
10:30 A wake and bottle
11 errands or outings
12ish lunch for all, TV time (20 min)
1 A nap, L & E roomtime
2 A nap, learning time (possibly on computer)
3 A wake and bottle, outside
playtime OR free playtime
4 Table/highchair play
5 Mom start dinner, L & E TV time (20 min)
6 dinner for all
7 start getting ready for bed (bath time)
7:30-8 all in bed
Shannon said…
3 children – Ella almost 5, Mya 27 months, Cal 9.5 months
Summer Schedule
7:00: Everyone out of bed
7/7:30: Breakfast and family devotions
8: get ready for the day
8:30: free play or outside time
9:00: Cal bottle
9:30: Cal nap
9:30 – 10:30: Girls IP
10:30: Girls snack and learning activity
10:45: Cal up
11:00: Ella structured learning activity alone with Cal in highchair
11:00 – 11:30: Mom and Mya reading time
11:30: Mya nap
11:30: Cal lunch, Mom and Ella learning activity
12:00: Ella reading time with Mom, Cal IP
12:30: Ella rest time
1:00: Cal bottle and time with Mom
1:30: Cal nap
1:30: Girls up, training and chores, snack
2:00: free play, outside time, play with friends, outings, sibling play
3:30: Cal up, MOm prep dinner, sometimes girls watch TV here
4:00: dinner, clean-up, free play
5:00: baths
5:30: reading, devotions, prayers, cal bottle
6/6:30: bedtime
Matthew & Christy Johnson said…
My name is Christy and I have three children, Albert (A) age 3, Ginger (G) almost 2, and Charles (C) 3 months.
Here is my sample schedule. Note that rarely does a day go exactly as planned, especially with a 3-month-old whose schedule is still shifting every few weeks), but roughly keeping to this schedule keeps our busy household happy!
6:00 am – Charles wakes and has first feed of day, back to bed by 7:30
8:00 am – A&G wake, get ready for day, eat breakfast
8:30 – A&G have blanket time/mommy time
9:00 – A&G have independent playtime, C has second feeding
10:00 – A&G table activity, C plays in swing
10:30 – C back to bed, A&G outside time or free play
11:30 – lunch prep and chore time
12:00 – lunch time (possible video time), C has third feeding
12:30 – A&G story time, C blanket time
1:00 – A&G down for naps
1:30 – C down for nap
3:00 – C has fourth feeding
4:00 – A&G get up from naps, snack time, mommy time
4:30 – C down for nap, A&G video time (unless daddy is home, then play with daddy)
5:30 – dinner time
6:00 – C has fifth feeding
6:30 – walk to park
7:30 – family Bible reading and get ready for bed
8:00 – A&G to bed, C has sixth feeding, then straight to bed (and YAY! C has been sleeping from now until 6:00 am!)
Just a quick edit to this schedule: we don’t always walk in the evening. Sometimes we have baths, or just hang around as a family, or whatever. But we’re trying to get out for a walk whenever it’s nice and works. 🙂
DL said…
3 Children: Kayla (6YO), Alyssa (3YO), Luke (16MO)
6:30AM: I wake up 🙂
7AM-7:30AM: All three kids wake up & eat breakfast
7:30-8:00: All three kids get dressed/brush teeth/oldest help with morning chores (unload dishwasher,etc.)
8AM-11AM: Activities at home or go to the Gym or run errands; If at home 16MO takes a short nap (we are transitioning from 2-1 nap)
11AM: Everyone has lunch
12PM-1:30PM: Activities at home or go to the gym or run errands
1:30PM-3PM: Nap time for 16MO / Quiet/Independent Playtime for 6YO & 3YO (they rarely nap)
3PM: 6YO and 3YO out of Quiet time – activity time with mom or help with dinner
4PM: 16MO usually wakes up
4:30PM: Dinner for everyone
5-7PM: Family time / Post dinner walk
7-7:30PM: Bedtime for all three kids
If you would like to add your schedule for three or more kids, please feel free to leave it in the comments below!
Related Blog Posts
This post originally appeared on this blog July 2010
This is a great idea! As a mom of 1, who wants more… I am really interested in seeing how other moms handle many children!
Yes, it IS great idea. Could you please highlight when / IF you have time in your schedule for visiting friends, errands, etc? I'm also a mom of one, who wants more, trying to imagine how it all works! Thanks.
Thank you, everyone, for posting your schedules with multiple children. I have added your schedules to the post and will now be deleting your comments.Readers are stil welcome to add sample schedules!
Thank you for the additional schedules! As always, feel free to continue to add more.
3 Children: Kayla (6YO), Alyssa (3YO), Luke (16MO)6:30AM: I wake up 🙂 7AM-7:30AM: All three kids wake up & eat breakfast7:30-8:00: All three kids get dressed/brush teeth/oldest help with morning chores (unload dishwasher,etc.)8AM-11AM: Activities at home or go to the Gym or run errands; If at home 16MO takes a short nap (we are transitioning from 2-1 nap)11AM: Everyone has lunch12PM-1:30PM: Activities at home or go to the gym or run errands1:30PM-3PM: Nap time for 16MO / Quiet/Idependent Playtime for 6YO & 3YO (they rarely nap)3PM: 6YO and 3YO out of Quiet time – activity time with mom or help with dinner4PM: 16MO usually wakes up4:30PM: Dinner for everyone5-7PM: Family time / Post dinner walk7-7:30PM: Bedtime for all three kids