Send Me Your Babywise Success Stories

We are coming up on one of my very favorite weeks of the year. It is the week when I post your Babywise success stories. The stories of how your baby’s sleep improved. How implementing a schedule has helped your family. How your sanity has been maintained thanks to predictability in life. 

Babywise Success Stories


I love having these banks of stories in order to help people have easy access to the good Babywise has to offer. There are so many people intent on bashing Babywise out there (and it seems most of them have actually never even read the book), that a search for Babywise can yield nothing but negative. These stories help people see the good. 


Each year, in an effort to provide more positive stories out there, I do a Babywise Success Stories Week. I publish the stories in July. I ask you, the readers, to provide me with success stories to share on this blog throughout the week. It can be as short as a paragraph, or as long as a blog post. It can be about Babywise in general or some specific aspect of Babywise (like Independent Playtime, for example). 


My hope is that as we provide these stories, parents who are wondering what Babywise is all about can find these stories and see that there are parents who use it and love it. They can see that those parents are loving, normal parents. If Babywise is something that makes sense to them, they can move forward in using it with confidence. 


To share your story, please email it to me at [email protected]. Follow these steps:

Babywise Success Stories


  1. Put “Babywise Success Story” in the subject of your email. This helps make sure it doesn’t get sent to my spam folder.
  2. Tell me the title of your article. If you do not include a title, I will title it for you.
  3. Tell me how you want to be identified (for example, I could be identified as “Valerie,” “Valerie Plowman,” “Val,” “V. Plowman”–whatever you want).
  4. It would be fun to know the number of children you have and their ages, but that is not required.
  5. Type or paste your article into the email. Please no attachments.
  6. You can include an image for your article. Just send me the image URL for it–again no attachments. If you right click on an image, you can choose “copy image URL.” You can also often just copy a picture online and paste it into an email. 
  7. You may also include a link to your website if desired, but any questionable website links will not be posted (just had to include that).

You can start sending your article any time starting now! I don’t have a firm deadline, but you have at least until July 10 for sure. I will respond to you once I have it scheduled and let you know what day and time you can expect to see it up. 


I look forward to hearing from you!


Follow this link to see previously shared success stories.

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