This post is written in partnership with Undercover Mama. All opinions are my own.
Oh you guys (gals…whatever)…I am so excited about this giveaway! It is from UndercoverMama.com. The owner of this company contacted me to offer a giveaway to you all. I was so excited to try this shirt out. Look at the pic above. The shirt clips on to your bra or nursing bra, so you can leave your undershirt down while you are nursing a baby.
I ALWAYS wear a shirt under my shirt–I always have an undershirt on. This undershirt is so great because your tummy stays covered while you are nursing your baby. I love it for nursing in public settings, and anything that makes nursing in a public setting easier is a winner in my book (especially when your baby refuses to take a bottle….).
I like the nursing shirt concept–you have a shirt you can wear to easily nurse a baby. But I cannot afford to buy a whole wardrobe of nursing shirts. I love what Undercover Mama says on their website–“Make any shirt a nursing shirt.” It does! Any shirt can be a nursing shirt. AND the great thing is that this undershirt can work with a normal bra, too, so it isn’t a shirt you “just” use while nursing. You can use it when nursing is a thing of the past, too.
Today you can enter to win an Undercover Mama shirt in the size and color of your choice shipped to you! Hurray!
For Your First Entry:
Become a follower of this blog. Then leave a comment. If you are already a follower (the thing where your cute face pops up with all the other cute faces of people following), comment telling me so.
Sample Entry
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For Your Second Entry:
Sign up for the Undercover Mama email list. Then comment saying you did so.
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For Your Third Entry:
Like Undercover Mama on Facebook. Then comment saying you did so.
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I like it!
For Your Fourth Entry:
Go to http://undercovermama.com/. Share what color you will choose if you win.
Sample Entry
I went for white.
For Your Fifth Entry:
Like Chronicles of a Babywise Mom on Facebook. Already do? Tell me so. Comment saying you like it.
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For Your Sixth Entry:
Blog or tweet about this giveaway. Then comment saying you did so and which you did.
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I updated my status!
For Your Seventh Entry:
Blog or tweet about this giveaway. Then comment saying you did so and which you did.
Sample Entry
I blogged! valscreatsions.blogspot.com
Entry Rules
- You must leave a comment in order to have an entry.
- You must leave a separate comment for each entry. This is not so I can get lots of comments–it is because it makes it a million times easier to choose a winner. It takes less time, and less time is good. Plus, it makes sure I don’t miss an entry.
- You don’t have to do all seven entries…for example, if you just want to follow this blog, you can just do entry one.
- One entry per comment.
- Up to seven entries per person.
- You must fulfill the rules of each entry for each entry to count. If I see the entry is not valid (did not meet entry requirements), I will disqualify your entry. Trust me, I check.
- Entries will be accepted until I choose the winner sometime November 23.
- The winner will be randomly selected at random.org
- The winner will be announced Friday November 23.
- If you would like, you can add your email address to your entry. If you are the winner, I will email you to let you know. You do not need to add your email address in order to win. I understand not everyone wants to share their email addresses with the world. I will announce the winner on the blog, so you can check the blog Saturday to find out if you won.
- Once the winner is announced, you will have one week to contact me or another winner will be chosen. Be sure to check back. The only thing worse than not winning is to win but not realize it in time!
- US shipping addresses only please.
I am a follower.
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My favorite color is black. It would go with everything!
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I love the bright colors, but probably would go with brown or black so it would be super versitile.
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I would choose the white with lace trim. These are really cool and may go on my Christmas list.
I'm a follower!
I would choose black….it's a good staple color.I feel so boring:).
I am a follower and would definitely get a black one.
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I would choose white.
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I follow on gfc.lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com
I would choose black.lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com
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Love the black lace (free entry)
I am a follower! Thanks for all the great info on here.
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probably brown…
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I would choose white
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I would choose the black shirt!
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I would choose brown (or maybe black). I might have to buy one if I win the other and like it!
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I would definitely choose a black shirt, it's the most versatile for me.
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I would probably go with black too if I won…goes well under most things.
I like Chroncles on Facebook.
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I would probably choose black if I won
I like Chronicles of a babywise mom on facebook
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I like the brown!
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I would choose emerald if I won!
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I follow you via GFC! marthalynn16 at gmail
I am subscribed to Undercover Mama as acluisi at hotmail
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I would choose plain ole white 😀
I am a follower
I would go with white
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I'm a follower of your blog. christina112358 at gmail dot com
I'd choose white. christina112358 at gmail dot com
I like you on FB. christina112358 at gmail dot com
I am a follower
i like COABWM on facebook
I am a follower 🙂
I like the blue one
I am a follower 🙂
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My favorite is white!!
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I think black would be great!
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My favorite color is the pink one, but I'd probably buy black or white for versatility.
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I would like the black tee
I just blogged about it. jonandaubrey.blogspot.com
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I would choose black 🙂
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Free entry!
I would choose white!
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I am a follower!
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I would get the white one – it goes with everything!
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I'd choose black.
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Lace trim white!
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I like the black one
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I will choose white if I win.
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I updated my status @barnold8
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I would choose black!
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I would choose the white with the lace trim.
I'm a follower! : )
I like Chronicles of a Babywise Mom on Facebook! : )
Free Entry! Yay! Thanks! : )
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I'd choose white if I win 🙂
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I like chronicles of a babywise mom on Facebook.
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follower of the blog
most likely… black
like babywise on FB
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I liked them on Facebook!
I like lace trim black, add a little fancy to your shirt!
I don't just like chronicles of a babywise mom in Facebook, I love it!
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i 'liked' undercover mama on fb!
i would choose black.
signed up for mailing list!
I am a follower! (especially for Undercover Mama)
I signed up for the Undercover Mama email list. Yippee!
I am a follower!
Like/love Undercover Mama on Facebook.
Would love a blueberry colored one!
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I would choose white, my wardrobe is boring 🙂
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I visited Undercover Mama and I would probably get the black lace or the gray nursing shirts. Too many good options!
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I went to undercovermama, I would get brown, or maybe grey because they are so versatile!
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I'm a follower.
I like undercovermama on facebook!
I like chronicles of a babywise mom on facebook!
I like Undercover Mama on Facebook!
I would pick the lace trim black!
I like Chronicles of a Babywise Mom on Facebook.
I am a follower and love it!!
I like Chronicles of a Babywise Mom on facebook! I love that it's created a forum to help one another.
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I am a follower!
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I love the lace trim black!
I like Chronicles of a Babywise Mom on FB!
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I like Undercover Mama on facebook.
Def. would do white, or maybe nude.
I like Chronicles of a Babywise Mom on facebook.
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I "like" Undercover Mama on FB!
I think I may go with a neutral color…black, white or nude…something that will go with everything!
"Like" Babywise Mom on FB!
I tweeted about the giveaway! {@gijoeswifeblog}
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I liked Undercover Mama on FB.
I would take the pretty white lace!
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Entering for free
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I would choose the black nursing shirt
I follow Chronicles on Fb 🙂
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I would choose the white : – )
I'm a follower!
free entry!
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entering for free! my first color would be black : )
i like CoaBM on FB!
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I like undercover mama on facebook!
I would choose emerald green or black with lace.. hard choice!
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twitter is now aware of the giveaway
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I would buy the black one … boring but most practical!