All about a 16 year old teenage boy. Teen life for a boy and a typical daily schedule and life who was raised on Babywise.
This is a summary for Brayden from 15.75-16 years old.
Something very neat about Brayden is his strong desire to always be improving. He puts that desire into action and even reads a lot of self-help books to get better at things.
This is going well as per usual with Brayden. He is a healthy eater. If he feels like he is getting too addicted to something, like sugar, he will abstain from it for at least a week to get back in control. It is pretty impressive because I feel like a lot of adults aren’t willing to do that (ahem…me).
Sleep is going well. Brayden has always been the type to worry about sleep and if he is going to get enough sleep or not. He basically fears being tired, which is a product I am sure of him spending most of his life well-rested.
Back at New Year’s, our neighbors (twins) and good friends of his wanted to do an all-nighter. He wasn’t so sure but I really encouraged him to do it. I felt like it would help him get over this fear he has of being tired.
It worked! He doesn’t stress out anymore if he has a late night or can’t fall asleep one night. He learned he can function every once in a while on less sleep and sleep can get back track.
Brayden tried a new sport during this time. He did the track team. He did this purely for fun and for social benefit. It was a nice break from swimming while still being really active.
He debated back and forth about doing track. Many of his best friends are on the track team, so it sounded fun. But he worried about getting out of swim shape.
I pointed out that he would be back to swim in June and also that he doesn’t have any goals or ambitions swim beyond high school. The university he wants to go to doesn’t even have a swim team.
I said he might as well have fun and not worry about it. In all likelihood, it won’t hurt him at all, but even if he is a little slower than he would have been, oh well.
Track was a lot of fun and he really enjoyed it. I never did track, but as I watched the kids at the meets, I thought it really did look like a lot of fun.
Brayden still did piano. For the last month of this time, he was back to in-person piano lessons. He was really excited about that and much prefers lessons in person.
He was very busy with reffing soccer during this time since it was spring soccer season. He is a very well-respected ref and was even invited to ref in the state cup, which is a big deal. He reffed all the way through the finals.
He participated in the Young Artist Cup and Battle of the Bands during this time. They are both music competitions. They were very close to each other, and it was amusing to see the difference from the audience’s perspective. At one, the audience is loud and even rowdy, while the other was very proper.
As a family, we went on a trip to four national parks in Utah over spring break. It was a lot of fun.
>>>Read: Utah National Parks with Kids Travel Tips
Brayden also was involved on a youth planning committee for our church. They planned an activity for over 300 youth ages 16 and older in our age. They put in a lot of work and in the end it was a fabulous activity! Nate and I attended in the evenings and we had countless people come to us and tell us how amazing he is and what a natural leader he is.
Since he turned 16, Brayden was able to get his driver’s license! So exciting! I made a driving contract that he and we parents signed. I will do a whole post about it, but here is a link to a copy if you would like to use it.
Having him able to drive has been as life-changing as I imagined and then some. It is amazing!
>>>Read: Teen Driving Contract (with free printable)
School was great! They were able to be in person all year. He enjoyed it and still has straight A’s in all classes. He took a very challenging math class this last trimester and was able to do very well in it.
Here is his typical schedule.
6:00 AM–Get up and get ready
7:30 AM–Go to school
3:45 PM–Get home from school (after track). Homework.
5:00 PM–Dinner
9:00 PM–Start to get ready for bed
9:30-10:00 PM–In bed
- Brayden Teen Summary: 15.75 Years Old
- Brayden Teen Summary: 16.25 Years Old
- Kaitlyn Teen Summary: 16 Years Old