Brayden Teen Summary: 15.75 Years Old

All about a 15.75 year old teenage boy. Teen life for a boy and a typical daily schedule and life who was raised on Babywise.

Brayden at the Stang Aquatic Center

This is a summary for Brayden from 15.5-15.75 years old.


Eat is going well. Brayden has always been easy in the eat department and that is still true today. He eats well.

He does eat more often than he did as a tween or child aged child. He still has a “teen” appetite.


Sleep is going well. He sets his own bedtime and decides what time to get up each day. He sets an alarm for himself and is responsible about getting up on time.


The really big event for Brayden during this time was swim team.

He was still able to do swim team even with a pandemic going on. This was very fortunate.

One way our state kept winter sports open for high school athletes, as well as arts programs like musicals, was through constant testing. Anyone participating in these extracurricular activities was required to be tested at least once every two weeks.

If a student tested positive, they obviously had to stay home for two weeks.

So Brayden has been tested for COVID every two weeks since the very beginning of December.

As spectators, we were limited. Only one parent could attend meets and there were some meets no one could attend.

One plus side is all meets were broadcast, so we were still able to watch along with grandparents and great grandparents.

Swim team definitely looked really different this year and wasn’t as fun as it typically is, but it was still great. Brayden was able to attend the State Swim meet, also.


There were some other activities he particiated in.

Brayden still is taking piano lessons each week. Those are done over Zoom. Brayden misses having it in person and is looking forward to that day.

Brayden did some reffing this winter.

Looking forward, Brayden is joining the high school track team and participating in a few music activities (Battle of the Bands and Young Artist Cup). You will have seen some of this on Instagram, but more on that in the next update since it falls in that time frame.


School overall has gone well. Brayden has really enjoyed this school year. Brayden so far has gotten all A’s throughout school. He took the PSAT this winter and did well on that.

He enjoys school and does well. He has his high school classes mapped out for the rest of his years.

He took a couple of fun classes this last trimester. He took guitar and social dance. Social dance looked really different due to the pandemic, but it was fun.

Watch his video for this post to see some fun guitar stuff.


Here is his typical schedule.

6:00 AM–Get up and get ready
7:30 AM–Go to school
4:45 PM–Get home from school (after swim team). Homework.
5:00 PM–Dinner
9:00 PM–Start to get ready for bed
9:30-10:00 PM–In bed


15.75 year teen summary pinnable image

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