17.5 year old teen girl information and helps. See all about her daily life as a teen girl and get the teen schedule. Talking about senior year, preparing for moving out, sleep, and more!

This is a summary for Kaitlyn from 17.25-17.5 years old.
Eating is really good. Kaitlyn is really good about finding healthy food to eat and being aware of her nutrients needed. She loves to try new recipes.
She is also being really smart about making sure she really knows how to make all the foods before she moves out. It is one thing to make food with your mom and with your mom there. It is another to do it all alone (not that you can’t call mom, but you know).
When Brayden moved out and went to Africa, he suddenly felt like he didn’t know how to cook. This is coming from a kid who can make an amazing blueberry pie completely from scratch–crust and all. Of course he was in a new country speaking a language he didn’t know yet. He had very different tools to use. It is kind of extreme.
Kaitlyn has been making sure she is very comfortable with everything independently.
Sleep has been okay. She started her senior year and she and her friends have been living it up. While she is usually a person who has been careful about good sleep habits, this year has been many, many late nights and early mornings.
As it has gotten dark earlier, they have wrapped things up earlier and she has been sleeping better the last little bit. She is not a low sleep needs person, so she needs to make sure she gets the sleep she needs.
Like I said, senior year started. She has had a lot of fun so far and is trying to soak in every moment. She is taking a heavy load with a lot of college classes. She does really well.
She has been applying to colleges this month, also. It is pretty crazy!
Kaitlyn is taking piano lessons and voice lessons. She enjoys both of those things. For some physical movement, she is consistent about going to the gym. She loves to go hiking with her friends and to play pickleball with anyone, also.
Here is a typical schedule:
6:30 AM Get up and get ready for school
7:30 AM Go to school
After School Gym, Work, Friends, Dinner, Go to School Events….
11-12 Midnight Go to Bed
- Kaitlyn Teen Summary: 17.25 Years Old
- Kaitlyn Teen Summary: 17.75 Years Old
- Brayden Teen Summary: 17.5 Years Old
- Sleep Tips and Needs for Teens and Tweens