Schedule and routine for a 36-37 week old baby. Get info on this baby’s daily schedule and routine for each day and know how to structure your day.

This week was busy for the family but highly uneventful for McKenna. She is still as cute as ever and admired by strangers :).
Everywhere we go, we get comments on what an alert, happy baby she is from people. I really don’t think we ever take her out without someone approaching us and commenting on how observant she is and how happy she is.
Post Contents
All is well and we are still nursing 4 times a day.
Everything was great and normal with sleeping this week.
McKenna really likes to eat what we are eating. At dinner each night, I make sure there is something we are eating that she can eat. So far, there isn’t anything she has tried that she doesn’t like.
Her eczema is looking much, much better. I created a spreadsheet and uploaded it to the Chronicles Yahoo! group. I am using it to track what I do and what her eczema is looking like so I can figure out exactly what is best for her.
I am glad I am because in the two days I have been doing it, I noticed that I am not changing things only one at a time. I need to change one thing a day, not more than one.
One day I changed two and the next morning her back was a little red. I didn’t know which thing caused the red, so I need to be more careful about what I change, and the spreadsheet helps me do that.
McKenna is a baby who handles disruptions well, so that is nice for this time of year. We have lots of parties going on during her last nap of the day and she is a little trooper. She doesn’t get fussy at all until it is past bedtime :). She was also great one day that was majorly thrown off. ‘Tis the season for disruptions!
8:15 AM–wake, nurse, solids (prunes or peaches and oatmeal)
9:35-9:45 AM–nap
12:20 PM–wake, nurse, solids (green veggie and applesauce. Sometimes mix with blueberries).
2:00 PM–nap
4:30 PM–wake, nurse, solids (yellow veggie and bananas or pears).
5:30ish PM–dinner with family. Finger foods and what we are having.
6:30 PM–nap
7:45ish PM–wake, nurse, PJs, story, bed
- On Becoming Baby Wise: Book II
- Super Baby Food
- On Becoming Baby Wise
- What to Expect the First Year
- The Wonder Weeks.
- Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child
- Secrets of the Baby Whisperer: How to Calm, Connect, and Communicate with Your Baby
- The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems: Sleeping, Feeding, and Behavior–Beyond the Basics from Infancy Through Toddlerhood
- McKenna Baby Summary: 36 Weeks Old
- McKenna Baby Summary: 38 Weeks Old
- Brinley Summary: 37 Weeks Old
- Finger Foods for Babies
- Surviving Eczema
- How To Go Out With Your Babywise Baby
when you give her oatmeal and prunes (or peaches) in the morning are they separate or mixed together, and why?thanks!
Hi, I haven't been keeping up with your week to weeks but i happened to read this past one and noticed you are having a problem with eczema. I am a hairstylist and we carried a hair product line called Moroccan Oil. It is an all natural oil that makes your hair very soft. But another great use for this oil is for eczema. Rub a little on her skin daily (it soaks right into the skin b/c its a natural oil). I have had a lot of customers swear by it! I'm sure you could find a salon in your area that retails it. Even ask for a sample of it ( a little goes a long way) and see if it helps her at all.Veronica
Isn't it hard to troubleshoot one thing at a time?? I always find it very hard to wait to try things while baby seems in pain or tired or just plain irritable. Hopefully the eczema is not bothering her too much. I will have to check out your log.
Angipas,I give her half of the fruit plain and half mixed with oatmeal.With my other two, I didn't mix at all. Brayden loved the taste of oatmeal so much and didn't care for fruit too much so I didn't want to ruin something he loved 🙂 With McKenna, at first I mixed because she didn't so much like the oatmeal, but now she does. You add less water to the oatmeal when there is fruit, so there are more calories per bite 🙂 That is my reasoning, but you can do it either way.
Thanks Veronica! I will look into that!
Kristy, It is so hard when there is pain involved! I mean, it is hard no matter what, but when you are trying to get baby physically more comfortable, it is hard to take it one step at a time!
Being systematic is the only way to know for sure what's going on, though. Your children are blessed to have a mom with this gift (among others). 🙂
Hey I just found your blog and noticed the summaries. My daughter will be 37 weeks this week and I was curious how much food is she getting per meal? I make my own food and never know how much is too much or too little. I make and freeze and thaw out the night before so I never know how much I need to thaw. Any advice?thanks 🙂
I would take note of how much she eats. That will give you a gauge for how much to thaw. You will start to notice a pattern of what is typical for her. At this age, you can also offer finger foods. So say she typically eats 4T of veggies and 4T of fruit per meal. Then you offer her some cheese after a meal to see if she still wants more food. Some days she might eat more, others not.
What kind of cheese did you start her with? I love your blog, thanks for all your great advises on everything.
Thanks!Just normal cheddar cheese.