The ten very best things about 11-12 month olds. There are always things to love about every age and stage. Here is what to love about this age group.
Relish it! Relish every moment of it! This is the last month of your baby’s life as a baby.
Your baby will soon be a pre-toddler. This is the month to take in those baby traits!
Of course, there are those new traits that come along with being older that are just so adorable, too.
The Best Things About 11 Month Olds
Interactive With Siblings: You will really start to see some fun playing between siblings around this age. The baby ventures more from an observation mode to an interact and try to play mode.
Mimic: Your baby will start to show you many of the interesting little things people around her do. This trend will continue for years, but you will really start to see her mimicking strongly at this age.
Personality Shines Through: You will start to be able to see your baby’s individual personality coming through. You will start to get to know who she is even more.
Smart (Pushes Boundaries): So this is something you could look at as a thing to dislike about this age. Your baby will do things over and over you tell her not to. I like to look at it as a growing and learning time, and take note that your baby’s intelligence is increasing. She wants to know what she can and can’t do, and she wants to know your position on things, so she will test her boundaries and test you.
Easily Movable and Distracted: Your baby might be pushing boundaries, but the thing to savor right now is your ability to move and distract your baby. You can pick her up and move her away from something. She is easily distractable. Enjoy it while it lasts :).
Favorite Toys: Children this age start to have a special favorite toy (or a few) that they just can’t get enough of.
Little Person: When you look back at how far your baby has come since birth, you might be amazed at the little person she is becoming. She might cruise along furniture and she might walk. She will say a few words. She will sit and feed herself a lot of food…she is blossoming into a little person!
Interactive: Your baby may wave, may play patty cake, and may play peek-a-boo. She might tell you what an animal says on command. She might point to things to help communicate what she wants. This is all very fun interactive behavior. And who doesn’t love a baby waving? Everyone seems to love to get a wave from a baby.
Still Called “Baby”: This might seems silly, but I love that I can still refer to the little 11 month old as baby. Now, I still call McKenna my baby (16 months old!), but in my head I know it isn’t true :). So the title is official and true, and it is something to love about the 11 month old.
Understands Simple Commands: By this age, your baby should be understanding simple commands. She should know what “no” means (though comprehension does not translate into obedience 🙂 ). She might be able to point to body parts when you ask (assuming you have worked on it; don’t expect and 11 month old to identify her nose if she has never been taught that a nose exists).
There is my top ten for this age range. Please share any additional things you love about this age group!
I agree with #9. I have a 9 1/2 month old girl and I'm planning on calling her "baby" for a long time!:)Jill
This has been a challenging age for me with both my boys – nothing big, just tiring as they learned to walk/run around. But it is amazing to see the growing and learning. Most of the challenges at this age are due to how much they are learning, so it's quite amazing and fun in that way.
I am have been trouble shooting with your amazing blog since I found it when my son was 9wks old. He is now 10mo old and thanks to much of your advice has been sleeping from 7:30pm to 6am since he was about 6mo old with out waking. My new dilemma is this: He wakes at 6am and can never seem to stay awake to reach that golden 9am nap . Right now his schedule is as follows:6am wake/nurse7:30/45 nap & wake between 8:45/910am eat/nurse12:00 (if I'm lucky) nap & wake between 1:30/2pm2:15 eat/nurse-trying to ween here4:30 (rest sometimes)5pm snack6:15/30 dinner7:15 nurse-bed by 7:30We are also trying to get rid of evening naps, but I find it almost impossible bc his schedule is SO EARLY compared to most children his age. If he could just wake at 7am then probably it would push the other naps back and it would be easier to make it happily to bed time.My son has a very easy temperament and is never crying when he wakes in the morning; so much so that I sometimes wait extra long to feed him to see if he will go back to sleep. This has only worked on rare occasions. Is there any way to get him to sleep until 7am? I am willing to try anything!
Megan,You can't force him to sleep until 7, but there are things you can do to help encourage it. You can make sure the room is dark enough. Brayden is a sun riser and always has been. During the summer, he doesn't get up until 7…but that is because he isn't allowed to get out of bed before then. If it is cloudy and rainy, he will sleep past it. This is even with dark blinds. So rule out sun waking him.Also rule out noise.You also want to be sure you don't feed him before 7 since that is your desired waketime. That way he won't be waking up because his metabolism is telling him to do so. Also, he might need an earlier bedtime. It might be that he is overly tired by 7:30. You might try 7 PM and see if that helps.See also the post "nighttime sleep issues: revised and updated" and that might give you some help with figuring out why he is waking early.