All about a 14 year old teenage boy who used Babywise as a baby. Teen life for a boy and a typical daily schedule. School, sleeping, etc.

This is a summary for Brayden from 13.75 years old to 14 years old.
Post Contents
Eating is normal. Brayden eating habits haven’t changed in any way.
We still have a voice change happening here. We are coming up on a year of him experiencing an obvious changing of the voice. I am super curious to see when it will end and settle.
Sleeping is normal and great. Brayden goes to his room by a certain time, but we let him decide what time he gets in bed. Brayden is very conscious of getting to bed at a good time. He typically wakes up earlier than he would need to otherwise so he can work in the garage on four-wheelers with Nate. We don’t worry about his sleep at all. He doesn’t like to be tired and he keeps track of how much sleep he needs to feel good.
School is great. He ended the year with straight A’s. That makes all of middle school with A’s.
He is moving on to high school next year and very excited for it! He is looking forward to having more class options and class type options. There were definitely some common middle school frustrations cropping up in his life the last month of school and he is very much ready to head on to high school. Brayden’s friends are all still great and all, but he just isn’t into drama that can exist among middle schoolers (does. It does exist).
Piano lessons are fantastic. I can’t say enough good about his teacher. Brayden is loving it and progressing quickly. One of my favorite aspects of his progression is his musicianship. By that, I essentially mean how he plays a song with feeling and emotion. You can catch some playing on his video below in the Photos section.
Brayden is still teaching Brinley piano. Things are going well. He has high expectations of her. Something I love about Brayden is he expects everyone else to essentially be as smart as him. So that means he doesn’t talk down to people or treat them like they couldn’t know what he is talking about.
That same courtesy is extended to his 6 year old sister, which can be interesting at times. But she rises to his expectations and she definitely lets him know when she doesn’t know what he is talking about.
During this period, Brayden worked as a ref for soccer. He was pretty busy with reffing quite a few games a week plus swim team. You might remember he has been having to practice a 30 minute drive away. That leads to way more time away from home. Add reffing to that and he had many days where he felt stressed and overwhelmed from not being home. He likes his time at home to decompress. Reffing is a short stint, though, and he is already done, so that is no stress now.
Something really sad was he mentioned he didn’t have much time for reading for pleasure during this time period. That is a knife to my heart! You know how much I love reading and how hard I have worked for that to be a part of my kids’ lives. It has been restored now that reffing is done, but that was so sad for me!
Swim team is good. Sadly, the pool renovation will not be done in time. It was supposed to be done by June 1. Nope. It is now extended through the end of June, but we shall see. The extension happened about a week and half before the due date, so we have many more weeks to see.
Happily, the outdoor pool is opening up and he will have practices there a couple of times a week.
He was able to go to the state swim meet during this time period. That was a great experience.
Here is a list of what Brayden participated in this last quarter:
- Piano
- Swim Team
- Scouts
- Reffing
Here are some photos from this time period.