How to Be Successful at Breastfeeding
If you start breastfeeding, you probably want to succeed at it. Despite that initial plan and desire, you may run into difficulties and road blocks that can make you second guess if that is a possible reality. Today, two of the ladies from the Babywise Friendly Blog Network are discussing how to succeed with breastfeeding. One is through breastfeeding on a schedule (it can be done!) and the other is on tips to get you through those first couple of months.

Breastfeeding on a Schedule
We all like breastfeeding on a schedule, right? And we are all familiar with the information out there insisting breastfeeding on a schedule will not work. I still remember a lacation consultant telling me feeding on a schedule absolutely would not work. This was when Kaitlyn, my second-born child, was seven months old. I had breastfed Brayden for 12 months and was on month 8 with Kaitlyn. “Then…why has it worked for me?” I inquired. “It just doesn’t work” was the reply.
So if you are worried about feeding on a schedule or have a friend worrying, check this post from Katrina at Mama’s Organized Chaos. She says,
“Up to the point of delivery, I was convinced that I’d have to feed on demand, and was thus planning on doing so. I’d saved all sorts of baby schedules, but was resigned to the idea that it just wasn’t going to work.
Luckily, Caroline was born at 37 weeks, and doctors put us on a feeding schedule immediately. I am so glad the doctors pointed us in the right direction for our family. We started using schedules immediately, and never turned back! Caroline is now 3 years old. I was able to breastfeed for a full year, all while using schedules. I couldn’t be happier with how that first year turned out. Knowing that many breastfeeding moms think schedules are not an option (as I once did), I am on a mission to spread the word that breastfeeding on a schedule is not only possible, it works insanely well!“
Read all about her Advantages of Breastfeeding on a Schedule here.
Survive the First Bit of Breastfeeding
I shared all about the difficulties that can arise while breastfeeding. Many of those difficulties you face come in the first couple of months while breastfeeding–right when you are most vulnerable and unsure of yourself. Natasha from Let’s Be Brave is sharing her tips for surviving those first couple of months. I love this tip about handling visitors:
“…try to plan visits around the baby’s feeding schedule if possible. I wasn’t super shy about breastfeeding in front of people or stepping out of the room if I needed to, but plenty of people are uncomfortable with either of these options. Just keep that in mind so that you don’t get stuck in a situation where your baby is hungry or you’re uncomfortable because you need to nurse and there are people hanging around. Although this situation is probably inevitable, so have a game plan! A certain something you or your spouse says to let people know the visit needs to be over or a way to excuse yourself from the situation – something like “I need to go nurse the baby and she’s going to take forever! I’m so sorry we can’t visit longer!”
The ladies of the BFBN will all be talking about breastfeeding this week. Check the blog daily to see the talk of the day and where to read it.
- Monday: Valerie at Chronicles of a Babywise Mom How I Breastfed For 12 Months Even When Everything Went Wrong
- Tuesday: Christine at Christine Keys THIS IS WHY BREAST IS NOT BEST and Kimberly from Team Cartwright What Twins Can Teach Us About Breastfeeding Attitudes
- Wednesday: Katrina from Mama’s Organized Chaos and Natasha from Let’s Be Brave
- Thursday: Caitlin from Twin Mom and More and Carrie from Wiley Adventures
- Friday: Emily from Journey of Parenthood
Related Posts on this Blog:
- Book Review: The Nursing Mother’s Companion
- Breastfeeding in Front of Older Siblings
- Combating Babywise Myths #5: Babywise will cause you to lose your milk supply if nursing
- Nursing Woes
- Sometimes Breastfeeding Hurts
- Success as a Mom is not measured by feeding method…