Kaitlyn Preteen Summary {8.75 Years Old}

Kaitlyn loves art. This is her at the Art Institute in Chicago. She entered our art show competition at the school
and did quite well. She likes to enter every category.

This is a summary for Kaitlyn from 8.5-8.75 years old.


Eating is great. She has really accepted the fact that we have food requirements. I would guess she has had taste buds change also to help her be more accepting of foods that used to offend her sensibilities.

She hasn’t increased the amount of food she eats like Brayden had at this age.


Sleeping is good. Nothing of interest changed here.


During this period, Kaitlyn participated in basketball, piano, and dance. She had a handful of soccer practices still, but no games. She also auditioned for the musical at the elementary school. She really enjoys being on a stage and lights up when she has an audience. She ended up getting  speaking part, so that will fill a lot of her time for the next couple of months.


Kaitlyn loves school. I shared last time about how she was scared to take voluntary tests. She went from being one of the lowest in reading test points to one of the highest. Once she tried it and saw it wasn’t scary and knew it was okay if she didn’t pass, she started testing as often as possible. She is very goal oriented and loves getting all of her things she needs to pass off as early as possible.

Her teacher recently named her the Student of the Month for the character trait “caring.” Her teacher said she chose her not only because of her caring nature, but because she always goes the extra mile on her work.

Kaitlyn dressed as Hermione for Halloween


I find it so fascinating to see my kids’ personalities develop as they continue to grow. There are things you know about them right away. Kaitlyn has always been easily characterized as sweet, kind, and thoughtful. She is coming into new interests. One is her love of musical theater. She has always enjoyed going to musicals, she and I often do that for our dates. She has also always enjoyed music and has always shined on stage (she started taking dance at age 3). But her love for specifically theater is growing. She couldn’t get enough of the last musical we went to together. She loves to do accents and voices. It is just interesting to see talents and interests grow and develop over time. I am always so curious to see where my kids will put their main passion in life–what they will choose to focus on. Kaitlyn loves everything she does, and has an equal passion for sports as she does music.


I wanted to point out that many children around this age need to start wearing deodorant. Kaitlyn isn’t there, but I wanted it on your radar if you have a child around that age. My side of the family actually doesn’t really get stinky like that–I usually don’t even wear deodorant (I was out of deodorant all together from May-August last year), so she might have inherited the gene. Too soon to tell for sure.


School schedule:

7:00 AM–wake up. Eat breakfast. Get ready. Practice piano. Do morning chores. Read scriptures.

Then go to school.

4:00 PM–Home from school. Homework. Free play.

5:30 PM–Dinner. Then time with family.

7:00 PM Start getting ready for bed.

8:30 PM–in bed



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