Brayden Preteen Summary {11-11.25 Years Old}
This is a summary for Brayden for the first 3 months as an 11 year old. EATING Eating is great and normal. Food intakes have been normal. One interesting thing …
This is a summary for Brayden for the first 3 months as an 11 year old. EATING Eating is great and normal. Food intakes have been normal. One interesting thing …
This is a summary for Kaitlyn from 9-9.25 years old. EATING Eating is good! SLEEPING Sleeping is very good. Kaitlyn is just a great sleeper. An interesting thing to note …
Brayden has been very helpful with our home addition. Eleven. Eleven! He is eleven. This is a summary for Brayden from 10.75 to 11 years old. Eating Eating is good …
This is a summary for Kaitlyn from 8.75-9 years old. EATING Eating is good. She continually improves her willingness to eat foods she doesn’t particularly like. I am proud of …
This is a summary for Brayden from 10.5-10.75 years old. It seems ten year olds in general are pretty easy. They are usually independent and responsible for themselves. They still …
Kaitlyn loves art. This is her at the Art Institute in Chicago. She entered our art show competition at the schooland did quite well. She likes to enter every category. …
Brayden is a very good and very sweet big brother This is a summary for Brayden from 10.25 – 10.5 years old. EATING Eating is going as usual. He eats …