Get the tips you need to be able to repel mosquitoes and treat those itchy bites when they do happen. Tips from real moms!
Oh how I loathe mosquitoes. A few of us in my house are extremely allergic to them. We have a beautiful pond that is stagnate in the property behind us, so we have a lot of mosquitoes around our house and it is no fun. I turned to you on Facebook to find out what you all do to survive the mosquito. A lot of the ideas are for essential oils. To buy yours from me, go here. Here are the ideas. This post may contain affiliate links which won’t change your price but will share some commission.
Repelling Mosquitoes
- Nikki said: I seem to attract mosquitoes, while my husband never gets bitten. Luckily, I think our daughter inherited his “naturally repellant” skin. We also have dogs, so Im not a huge fan of nasty chemicals, but HATE getting bitten. We stumbled upon Super Garlic, which is a super concentrated garlic solution that you can spray on your yard periodically throughout mosquito season. It helps us/me a lot and I love that it’s natural. I also use Citronella oil on my skin, instead of Off. Kind of expensive, but we have had the same jug for 2 summers now and still have some left for next year!: Mosquito Barrier Mosquito Repellent
- Jan said: using a spray bottle put in half water, half witch hazel,20 drops of Eucalyptus oil shake it up, spray ALL exposed areas(scalp, ears etc) they won’t come near you. Keep spraying every half hour. They love me and the mix kept me safe.
- Things to Do for Kids said: Essential oils! Lemongrass repels them. I use a spray of Lemongrass, Wild Orange, Peppermint and Lavender!
- Megan said: Garlic! There are garlic pills you can buy, that don’t make stinky breath. That came from a farmer friend and it works!
- JoAnn said: use Peppermint oil spray before going outside. mix with water and spray on. I’ve been told skeeters don’t like the smell…
- Joyce said: We live in Singapore where mozzies thrive. Citronella or Lemongrass oils are great repellents.
- Diedre said: I LOVE this stuff, it’s made in the town I live in and it is amazing! Gentle enough for babies and VERY effective. Lion-Skeeter Beater.
- Liz said: doterra brand doTerra TerraShield essential oil is made specifically as a natural insect repellant
- Jessica said: If you have bats in your area, get a Bat House. They eat thousands of mosquitos.
- Sarah said: My sis had this at her son’s baseball game. Has a 15×15 bug free zone… and there is one with bigger I think. All the parents in the stands were very grateful! Thermacell MR-GJ Mosquito Repellent Device
- Shaunda said: The best non toxic way is Young Living essential oils. We make our own bug spray with the oils and also use them if we get a few bites. Lavender, purification, peppermint and Melaleuca/tea tree oil. Love our oils and use them to survive!
- Paula said: essential oils: to repel, Citronella and Lemongrass, to relieve itching after you’ve been bit, Lavender
- Whitney said: Our pest control company sprays our yard for them and I cannot believe how much it has helped! They are drawn to one of my little boys and he swells up badly if he gets bit. I don’t think he’s been bitten once in our yard since we had them start spraying last year.
- Jenni said: Bug off essential oil blend from Native American Nutritionals (same quality as DoTerra without the multilevel marketing which means less $$). Or Ava Anderson Non Toxic bug spray. Great natural products. My son had cellulitis (bacterial infection) around his eye from what I think was a bug bite that led to an ER visit. Never want that to happen again!!!
- Grace said: Coconut oil! Also, if you can buy a few Citronella Plants
(also called mosquito plants) you can place them around your house, and also rub the leaves on your LOs which provides all day protection. Even if they are playing in the water.
- Ray Ray said: I live in one of the highest mosquito-populated places. My son gets staph infections in every place a mosquito bites him…so we battle staph every summer. However if we remember to put SKIN-SO-SOFT oil all over him he won’t get bitten…it’s just hard to remember to reapply the oil throughout the day
- Allison said: Avon SKIN-SO-SOFT Bug Guard – includes SPF 30 & smells amazing!
- Jackie said: TerraShield essential oil or honest co bug spray for prevention.
- Katherine said: I have friends in the midwest who swear by these Vitamin B skin patches
- Ashley said: This year we are trying a new product (on our son, mainly) and have had good results! We don’t like to douse our son in Deet, but this is an organic option available in stores…we founds ours in Target. So far, so good! It even helped us survive vacationing where the mosquitoes were very bad! EcoSMART 33106 Organic Insect Repellent
- Tiffany said: TerraShield essential oils (do terra)
- Lacey said: My daughter and I have to wear long sleeves and pants outside.
- Valerie said: Our health department recommends treating fabric with Permethrin
Treating Bites
- Deanna said: Get Bayer Aspirin (the little white pills). When but. Crush the aspirin & mix with a tiny bit of water to create a paste. Apply paste to bite.
- Britney said: Lavender and Peppermint take away the itch and reduce swelling!
- Sere said: I have only tried it on myself but putting apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball and taping it over the bite until it dries stopped the itch entirely!
- Linda said: Wet a Fels-Naptha bar and rub on the bites.
- Rebecca said: We use Young Living Purification oil, or Lavender oil to soothe. Also, calamine lotion or hydro cortizone to soothe. My daughter swells really bad too.
- Joyce said: We live in Singapore where mozzies thrive. Citronella or Lemongrass oils are great repellents. But when bitten, nothing stops the itch and soothes the swelling better than Tiger Balm. It’s made in Singapore, and sold in the airport’s transit lounge.
- Susan said: My daughter is severely allergic as well. We have our yard sprayed monthly to kill nests. I put Johnson and Johnson baby creamy oil on all exposed skin which is amazing. Any sign of a bump I immediately apply topical benedryl (Benadryl Topical Itch Stopping Cream).
- Jackie said: Lavender , Frankincense, and Melaleuca on the bites.
- David said: For those on a very limited budget, try dabbing vinegar on them. Vinegar dabbed on them.
- JoJo said: Benadryl topical cream. Benadryl Topical Itch Stopping Cream
- Tiffany said: Miracle salve for bites (
- Lacey said: I use Caladryl Clear Lotion calamine lotion as soon as I feel or seen the bite. Lavender oil also helps as well as a cold washcloth.
- Emilysaid: My little guy is supper sensitive to bug bites as well. I use Young Living Lavender Essential Oil either straight or mixed with coconut oil (whatever is handly) and it calms those big red puffy bites right down. Also great for sunburns!
For my simple, prove, five step process to relieve those itches, see The Ultimate Mosquito Bite Itch Relief.