When to Keep Sick Kids Home and When to Send them To School

School is back in full swing! If your house is anything like mine, you probably have a child who has already come home with a sickness. Fortunately for us, it has only been mild colds. There has been strep in our school already, though! 



When to keep sick kids home infographic

The big question that runs through mom’s head when her child is sick is, “Should I keep my child home?” I hate the guessing game! Unfortunately, we moms don’t always get it right. Sometimes we send kids to school who should have stayed home and sometimes we keep kids home who should have gone to school. 


I have a whole post of information and guidance for when to keep a sick child home. You can read that here. Today, I want to share an infographic as a quick reference. Please do read the full post, but if you have read it, you want to be able to quickly reference and scan the basic information. When you are in the middle of a hectic morning, you don’t want to read the details. You want to be reminded. So here is this graphic for your use this year. I hope you find it handy on those days you are faced with the question, “What should I do?!?”


I must reiterate: when your child meets the “stay home” recommendations, keep your child home. I know it can be so sad for your child to miss certain days! My kids have missed holiday parties over the years. Brayden even missed the last few days of school one year! It is no fun to miss those things, but it is less fun and kind to send the germs all around the class. 


 When to keep sick kids home





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