Essential Oil Car Diffuser {Friday Finds}

One of my very favorite uses for essential oils is to diffuse them. I have always been a person who is strongly impacted by smells. Smells immediately take me back in memories and can easily impact my mood.


Essential oil car diffuser


When I learned they have diffusers for cars, I was all over that! Car freshening, perking up the driver on a late night drive, maybe getting kids sleepy on a late night drive (I haven’t dared try that one–what if I get the driver sleepy, too!).

Here are my favorite oils for diffusing. I use doTERRA essential oils just for having things smell good:

  • Citrus Bliss
  • Cheer
  • Peppermint
  • Lemon
  • Lemongrass

You can buy oils here at my doTERRA site. If you chose to buy doTERRA oils through my link, I will get a percentage of your sale, but that doesn’t change your cost at all. As with anything else I talk about, if you have any questions about essential oils, let me know and I will help you out! You can just buy as a retail customer. You can also buy as a wholesale customer, so you get oils cheaper and can get the free oil of the month if you spend enough money. Another cool thing is your shipping costs are recouped as product credit points. Or you can become an advocate yourself and get all of the same perks, plus get a percentage of what people buy from you. 

To read more about my doTERRA thoughts, see my doTERRA page on this blog.

 Essential oils for back to school


 Essential oils for sleep


 Friday finds posts





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