Daily life and schedule for a 10-year-old tween who was raised on Babywise. See her daily life, activities she is involved in, and her daily routine.

This is a summary for Brinley from 9.75 years old to 10 years old.
Right around the time Brinley turned 10, she decided she wanted to go through her room and get rid of things she didn’t use anymore.
She went through her toys and only kept LEGOs, Barbies, stuffed animals, and art items.
At the same time, she told me she didn’t want to grow up and wanted to stay a kid. She is definitely in that time when kids go back and forth and kind of struggle with their identity. They want to be kids, but they also are growing and maturing.
An interesting thing is Brinley is the youngest. Her siblings could get rid of “little kid” toys and still play with them at times because younger siblings still had them. For Brinley, they are just gone. Perhaps that is why she has struggled more with the concept of growing up.
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Eating is all normal. She does seem to be more hungry and probably going through a growth spurt. She hasn’t had her 10 year old well-child check yet, so we will see how much she has grown.
This is an age when girls tend to start to grow quite a lot. Not all girls do, but most girls start to get taller than the boys their age.
Something interesting about Brinley is that she isn’t that into food. She doesn’t enjoy going out to eat and she has very few foods that she is just thrilled to eat. Food just isn’t a big deal to her. She eats because she is hungry.
Sleeping is pretty normal. Brinley was always a more low sleep needs person, as was Brayden. Brayden has never been into sleeping in, even as a teen, so I figured she would be the same way.
She LOVES to sleep in. She definitely does not sleep in as late as her high sleep needs sisters, but when she has the chance, she loves to sleep later in the day.
There wasn’t a lot of school for her in this period, but fourth grade ended well. She loved school and was sad for it to end. She loved her teacher and classmates.
She was in the gifted program last year and really enjoyed that. At the end of the year, they do an Evening of Excellence.
In fourth grade, that means dressing up and reciting a poem about the person she chose to do a report on. She chose author Brandon Mull. She was SO NERVOUS leading up to it. Once she was done, she was so relieved.
Everything with her glasses has gone well so far (knock on wood). She hasn’t lost them nor damaged them.
She doesn’t love to clean them, so she will let them get pretty dirty if I don’t force routine cleaning.
Summer has been great! While she loves school, she has very much enjoyed summer break. She doesn’t see her friends as often in the summer, so I think that is a big reason she misses school when it is out.
This summer, we went to Disneyland as a family for a family vacation. We had a couple of family reunions and also did an art camp.
She loved the art camp. They did a variety of art mediums. The class was 3 hours a day for 2 weeks. She absolutely loved it and would have done it again if I had let her.
Brinley really debated about whether she wanted to do soccer again or not. She had actually decided she didn’t want to, but as it came time for soccer tryouts, she told me she wanted to do it.
When she said she didn’t want to play soccer (right as spring season was starting), I told her that was fine but she had to put her full effort into playing and be a strong teammate.
She did that and saw great success.
Brinley started piano lessons with the same teacher the other kids have. She really likes him and has enjoyed piano lessons.
Brinley’s favorite toys are LEGOs and art supplies.
Her favorite books right now are the Warrior Cat series as well as Brandon Mull books. She has also started the Goose Girl series and the Elemental series and has enjoyed both of those.
We do not do friend parties every year, but 10 years old is one that we do. She wanted to rent the pool for her party.
Renting the pool is my FAVORITE birthday party that we do. McKenna has done it twice. We rent the high school pool for two hours. It is so easy. You don’t have to prep your house. You don’t have to clean your house when it is done.
You don’t have to plan activities–they just swim. We bring some pool toys, but kids are great at having fun in the pool. We bring cupcakes and ice cream. This time we did Creamies (which is ice cream on a stick), so it was even easier.
Here is her typical summer day schedule. She did have soccer 2 mornings a week and piano another morning each week, so she wasn’t able to sleep in most days.
8:00 AM – Awake by now if not already up. Eat breakfast.
8:30 AM – Work on daily chores and tasks. This included piano practice, soccer skills work, taking care of the cats, reading scriptures, cleaning her room, getting ready, and various items like dishes, laundry, and outside chores
12:00 PM – Lunch time
1:00 PM – Free time and technology time
5:00 PM – Dinner. Then family time.
9:30 PM – Bedtime
- Brinley Preteen Summary: 9.75 Years Old
- Brinley Preteen Summary: 10.25 Years Old
- Brayden Preteen Summary: 10 Years Old
- Kaitlyn PreTeen Summary {10 Years Old!}
- McKenna Preteen Summary: 10 Years Old
- 10 Year Old Chores Perfect for Your Tween