Daily life and schedule for an 11 year old tween girl. Learn about common concerns that come up with the preteen age group. This covers 11-11 years 3 months old.

This is a summary for McKenna from 11-11.25 years old.
Most of this time was during the hardcore lockdown during the COVID-19 Pandemic. This definitely changed up a whole lot about her life.
Eating is great as per usual with McKenna. She loves food and eats well.
Sleep stayed great during this time. Being on lockdown is a time you can easily have sleep issues, but McKenna stuck to her routine and was fine.
She did request to start staying up later than Brinley does, which is reasonable since she is three years older than Brinley.
During summer, we have allowed her to stay awake until 9:30 PM. I feel like this warrants an entire blog post, but in short, we let our tweens and teens stay up a little later.
Our rule is, however, that they have to be in their room or in our den–just not with my husband and I.
One of the hardest things about tween and teens is that it is harder to get time together as a couple. If you have a baby and are reading this, you might find it hard to believe, but it is true!
So in order for my husband and I to still have time with each other each night, we have the teens and tweens hang out somewhere other than with us starting at 9 PM. When the kids were all little and bedtime was 7 PM, we had a lot more time together.
It is important to note that we do not allow devices in bedrooms. Tech doesn’t go into a bedroom other than a Kindle Paperwhite (NOT a Kindle Fire). We also pay to upgrade our Paperwhites so they do not have advertising on them.
School during this time was very odd and hopefully very, very unique. Time will tell.
Just like most all students going to school around the world, McKenna did distance learning for the last few months of her 5th grade year.
McKenna loves school and is a social creature, so she really missed school.
She is also very optimistic and rolls with the punches well, so she made the best of it. She was able to do a Google Classroom chat with her classmates each day and that helped keep her in touch with friends.
You can image with things on lockdown, she hasn’t participated in much.
About mid May, she was able to start playing soccer again. She is on a new soccer team and has loved it so far. She hasn’t had any official games, but she has been able to have some scrimmages.
She started up piano lessons at the beginning of June.
McKenna is a girl who loves to do it all. She is naturally quite athletic and she would love to do all of the sports and all of the dance classes…but we just don’t have time for that.
We talked about this in her last summary. My thoughts on quarantine life are the same as they were before.
McKenna got quiet while she was unable to socialize. She just got more and more quiet, which got us all more and more concerned.
McKenna is very bubbly and loud, which can be too much for Brayden and Kaitlyn at times. But they realized how much they missed that when she would just sit so still and so quiet.
So next year she is going to just do soccer and not also do dance. She really loved dance, but she needed to cut back to be less busy.
As things started opening up, we let the kids invite friends over to do an outdoor movie. Kaitlyn let McKenna go before her (we were going in age order) because she felt like McKenna just really needed people.
When McKenna’s friends came, Kaitlyn watched McKenna perk right up. Kaitlyn told me it made her really miss her friends even more, but it was worth it to see McKenna be herself and be so happy. I thought that was so sweet.
Once soccer started back up, McKenna was back to herself. Just that little bit of time around people was enough to get her to her old self.
McKenna spent time in the “school year” and also in the summer during this time period. This is the block schedule we followed during quarantine school:
I took that same schedule and tweaked it for summer (you can get your own copy of a blank block schedule like this here):
McKenna has soccer 3 days a week at 8 AM. She has to leave by 7:30 AM. So her days often start early.
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