16.5 year old teen girl information and helps. See all about her daily life as a teen girl and get the teen schedule. Talking about cooking, birth order, driving, school, college, and more.
This is the latest on Kaitlyn from 16.25-16.5 years old.
Kaitlyn is naturally a very creative and artistic person. It has been interesting to see this coming into making food more and more.
Kaitlyn loves to try new recipes and tends to find them on Instagram. I find this fascinating because Instagram just isn’t the kind of platform where you give a lot of details on how to make recipes. It really lends itself to the creative cook.
Kaitlyn loves to try healthy dessert recipes, which I appreciate. She has found lot of delicious foods we enjoy!
I love discussing birth order. One of the most fascinating aspects of birth order is the idea of a “functional” birth order.
A person can be a “functional” oldest or youngest based on the gender of other siblings in the family. So a girl who is the 4th child but the first daughter will in many ways at like an oldest child because she is the first daughter.
This can also happen with a youngest child.
These people won’t be 100% like the “functional” birth order, but will display traits of both birth orders.
So in our family, Kaitlyn is a middle child but also a functional oldest since she is our oldest daughter.
As a teenager, she hasn’t shown a lot of “oldest” traits until recently. Once Brayden moved out and went to Africa, she started to take on the oldest role a lot more.
So where he used to be the only one to tell younger siblings to be respectful, she steps right in and does it now.
I will find it interesting to see if this happens with McKenna once Kaitlyn moves out. By that time, however, Brayden will be home from Africa and Kaitlyn will likely still be fairly close to home, so they might maintain that “oldest.”
Something I really appreciate about Kaitlyn is that she is always willing to drive her siblings places. This is something that we put in our Teen Driving Contract, but even so, she is just very willing to do it. She will even volunteer to drive them places. She will delay hanging out with her own friends some so she can drop McKenna off at a friend’s house first. It is super helpful.
Part of this time period was during summer, but school started during this time. School is good. She works hard and does well. She doesn’t LOVE classes and homework (as is common), but she definitely enjoys friends and the high school activities. The school side of school can be stressful and a lot of work. She doesn’t take it easy and is pushing herself.
Kaitlyn is still deciding what she wants to pursue as career after high school. It is crazy that kids have to think about this that young. With all of the college classes they can take in high school, it is helpful to have an idea of what direction you want to go.
Of course we adults know it is very common to change direction many times in high school and in college (and even post-college).
Kaitlyn played high school soccer this year. There were highs and lows and plenty of learning opportunities. She had fun playing with McKenna. She also scored a lot as a defender, so that was fun. We had lots of parents tell us that she was such a light to their own daughter on the team. That meant more to us than anything she could do on the field. She has a way of encouraging others and is always happy for other people in their successes.
A good thing about soccer season ending is that she can spend more time on her music. Of all the talents Kaitlyn has, music is one of the highest.
She basically only did dog grooming and some barn work during this time with soccer being busy. She is considering pursuing a job at a restaurant.
Here is the school schedule since that was most of this time.
6:00 AM Get up and get ready for school
7:30 AM Leave to go to school. Soccer practice is after school.
4:30 PM Get home from school
5:30 PM Dinner (typically)
10:00 PM Time to turn in devices and go to bed (if she hasn’t already)
- Kaitlyn Teen Summary: 16.25 Years Old
- Kaitlyn Teen Summary: 16.75 Years Old
- Brayden Teen Summary: 16.5 Years Old